Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 503: Heart is ashamed

Ye Qingcheng was in shock. If it wasn't for Qin Feng's critical moment, she would have blocked the attack of the two people, she would have died.

"Killer God Dynasty?"

Qin Feng frowned when he heard the words, and the two of them shot at Ye Qingcheng, obviously wanting to kill this girl so as not to disclose the stronghold of the killer gods.

Seeing Ye Qingcheng's dim expression, Qin Feng didn't know what to say.

In the past few days when this girl was captured by herself, she has been reluctant to tell her the stronghold of the assassin gods, she has done her best.

She did not do anything sorry for the Assassin Goddess, and, as the goddess of the Assassin Gods, she did a lot of things for the Assassin Gods, even if there is no credit, there are hard work.

Shen Chao not only didn't come to save her, but also sent people to attack and kill her. This all told her that she was abandoned by the killer Shen Chao and was regarded as a threat!

"Let's go."

Qin Feng was not mentioning the assassin's dynasty, but with the maids and apprentices, he began to wander the imperial city.

Soon after, they returned to Suzaku to go to the local area, and began to prepare to calculate the next troubles.

There is no doubt that the second prince was injured by Qin Feng, and the people in the Yan State imperial city will never let go.

Moreover, he annihilated the Xia family, and the supreme existence behind the Xia family would definitely not give up!

In addition, the power structure of the eight princes of Yan has changed. As for what the future holds, things are tilting towards Yanyun.

At night, the sky is quiet, like the calm before the storm.

In the Qin Feng Palace, he sat cross-legged on the jade futon and began to meditate. Numerous spiritual energy and moon blooms gathered, rendering his body a crystal clear and immortal energy.


Gongque's door was opened, and a graceful figure walked in.

The other party's posture is extremely perfect, the perfect face has the delicate beauty of a girl, but the posture has a little feminine charm, which is extremely attractive.

Ye Qingcheng looked at Qin Feng shrouded in Yuehua with an extremely complicated expression.

She didn't know how to face each other. At first, the two were enemies, but because of an accident, they first tasted the rain in the wild.

Originally, she should have reached the extreme of the other party, but after following the other party's side, her feelings were changing subtly.

Especially on the street today, after being rescued by the other party, she faced each other without knowing what to do.

She is an orphan, and grew up in the assassin's spirit. In her heart, there is her place.

But now that place has become a hell. If you want to kill her and then hurry up, the sky is big and the earth is big, and she feels that she has no place for herself!

She knew that the killer Shenchao would not stop there after the failed action, the other party would definitely get rid of this threat.

In other words, her situation is extremely dangerous, and she who has been banned for her cultivation has no chance of winning, only a dead end!

"Qin Feng, I hope you can untie my cultivation base. As a condition, I have something I want to give you."

Ye Qingcheng's face was shy. She knew that with Qin Feng's cultivation base, she must know that she had come in.

However, the other party pretended not to know, and did not make any movements, she could only speak first.


Cross-legged Qin Feng raised his brows, and this girl ran into her bedroom on her own initiative. What did she want to do?


Ye Qingcheng's eyes closed, she gritted her teeth, and the clothes on her body instantly faded, revealing her pure white body.

The perfect exquisite curve was immediately exposed to the air, with a clear view.

"I'm going, what are you doing? Is this really good?"

Qin Feng opened his eyes. Although he said so, his eyes were walking on Ye Qingcheng's perfect body, and his cheeks were red.

Although the two have had it once, seeing each other like this at this moment still makes them very embarrassed and extremely shy!

"Qin Feng, from today onwards, I am yours. I hope you can protect me. If you don't want to protect me, I won't hold you accountable. I just hope you can unlock my cultivation base. Let me fly away."

Ye Qingcheng's face was extremely blushing, he who hadn't cultivated, was nothing but fish on the sticky board, without any self-protection strength.

"You can say this, I am very happy, you quickly put on your clothes, you can rest assured that as long as I am here, no one will dare to bully you!"

When Qin Feng heard this, he immediately said, joking, the other party is his woman, of course he wants to protect him!


"of course."

Qin Feng said with a smile, but his eyes wandered around Ye Qingcheng, not letting go for a moment.

"That's great, thank you."

When Ye Qingcheng heard the words, a smile suddenly appeared on her face. She threw directly into Qin Feng's arms and gave Qin Feng a kiss on his face.

This caused Qin Feng's face to smile. He stretched out his hand and hugged Ye Qingcheng. Unexpectedly, the other party immediately got up like a fish, put on his clothes and opened the door.

"I'm not ready yet. When I get to know you well, I'm giving myself to you."

After Ye Qingcheng said these words, his face was shy and ran away.

Qin Feng was left alone, sitting in the room with a dazed expression, messy.

"Oh, don't go, isn't it that the two people interact a lot before they become familiar?"

In the palace, Qin Feng was sitting on the jade futon, his face was crying without tears, the duck in his hand flew away like this, and he asked someone to reason.

After a while, Qin Feng's door was pushed again, and a strange girl ran over.

"Master, what did that woman Ye Qingcheng do in your room just now?"

Zhou Qing'er asked with some taste, her pretty face was filled with a little weirdness.

"Huh? It's nothing, just come to pour me footwash."

Qin Feng opened his mouth and came. He closed his eyes tightly. After the evil fire hadn't come, he let Ye Qingcheng run away. Don't mess around with this little girl, otherwise he was really afraid that he couldn't control it.

"Really? How do I think Ye Qingcheng ran away disheveled. Master, you are not bullying the other party? How do I think you two are weird."

Zhou Qing'er's IQ suddenly went online. She looked at Qin Feng maliciously, really wanting to swallow this little master in one go.

"How is it possible, am I such a person? Don't talk nonsense, I don't!"

Qin Fengyi said righteously, he was thinking, but the other party ran away and he didn't do anything at all. Isn't this innocent?

Zhou Qinger bulged her cheeks. She looked at her cheap master, who was not two or three years older than herself, and she became more and more masculine.

"Master, otherwise, I will call you Qin Feng in the future, right?"

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