Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 504: Master and young apprentice

Zhou Qinger smiled again and again, she looked at Qin Feng ill-intentionally, with bad thoughts.

"What do you girl think?"

Qin Feng's eyes were suspicious. For this little apprentice, he loves and has a headache, and he looks good with strange spirits, but his mind is impure, and he actually wants to take him as a master!

"Eh... can't it?"

Zhou Qing'er exhaled like blue, and she stared at Qin Feng, trying to see Qin Feng out of the flowers.

"It turns out that Master really likes teacher-student love."

The little girl whispered in her mouth, she looked at Qin Feng with a smile, her heart moved.

"Cut, what do you think in your head every day?"

Qin Feng's ears were so strong that he could easily hear the other party's muttering, and he directly raised his hand and shuddered on the opponent's forehead.

"Ah, it hurts, Master, please lightly..."

Zhou Qing'er covered her forehead and exaggeratedly said that her figure was directly transmitted outside the palace, swearing her sovereignty.


Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and if such words were heard by others, he still had to think he was doing something bad.

"Little girl settle down, go and make my bed, and then you go back to sleep quickly."

Qin Feng urged that he didn't know what was going to happen while letting this girl stay.

"Master, I can warm the bed for you."

When Zhou Qing'er heard this, her eyebrows were instantly overjoyed, her eyes showed a sly look, and she didn't know what bad water she was holding back.

"You girl, if this spreads out, how will your little girl behave?"

Qin Feng reproached that he really had nothing to do with this girl. This girl was very painful and made him want to protect her.

"I'm not afraid, because I have followed the master in this life."

Zhou Qing'er raised her eyebrows. Master, the wooden head, didn't know what she was thinking at all. It was really anxious.

Qin Feng was speechless when he heard this, this girl was teasing herself, and she was leading her to bring out the problem.

"Girl, go back quickly, Master's cultivation is at a critical juncture, so it shouldn't be disturbed."

Qin Feng opened his eyes and said nonsense. He realized that the evil fire he was hooked up by Ye Qingcheng just now could not be suppressed. If this continues, serious problems will arise.

"Master, you really think so and then I will go, but I can go, but I have a condition."

Zhou Qing'er's eyes lit up, and she suddenly thought about it and had a good idea.

"What conditions? If it is troublesome, I won't agree to it!"

Qin Feng asked strangely, this girl turned her temper? But it's okay, you have to get rid of this girl quickly.

"Master, close your eyes, and I will give you a gift made by yourself."

Zhou Qing'er blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Qin Feng with interest, not knowing what he was making.

"Surprise? Or fright?"

With the black lines on Qin Feng's face, this girl was too careful to think, making him wonder what to say.

"Of course it is a surprise, Master, close your eyes soon!"

Zhou Qinger put her hand on the storage ring, she looked at Qin Feng expectantly and urged.

Qin Feng closed his eyes immediately when he heard the words, ready to dismiss this girl, and was practicing hard.

"Master, you are not allowed to open your eyes, and you are not allowed to use the spirit to peek!"

Zhou Qing'er smiled charmingly, her eyes closed with Crescent Moon.

"I got it." Qin Feng rolled his eyes silently. Does the other party want to show him some clothing or dead reservoir water?

As soon as Qin Feng closed his eyes, he felt a scent of fragrance coming to his nose.

Afterwards, a soft and moist thing stuck to her cheek, and then Zhou Qinger turned into a light and rushed out of the palace.


Qin Feng was stunned for a while, he opened his eyes on the jade futon, and on his cheeks the delicate touch of Zhou Qing'er's red lips before leaving.

After a long time, Qin Feng silently touched the place where Zhou Qinger had kissed him, and recovered.

"It's over, my girl is an apprentice, and he actually wants to fall for me!"

Qin Feng was speechless, he sat on the jade futon with a smirk, his face was covered with a smile that could not be hidden.

" didn't even let the apprentice off!"

Ye Qingcheng, who had gone back and forth, had her pink lips trembling, and her pretty face was full of incredible exaggeration!


Qin Feng saw Ye Qingcheng's incredible, shocked expression, and he knew that this girl had misunderstood.

The other party appeared just now, Qin Feng did not know why the other party had gone and returned, and saw Zhou Qing'er running away from his room, and misunderstood.

"Why are you back?"

Qin Feng could only use to change the subject to cover up his embarrassment, he looked at Ye Qingcheng and asked.

"You haven't unlocked my Feng Yi yet."

Ye Qingcheng didn't have a little bit of brilliance in her eyes, her natural way, the other party was changing the subject.

"Ah, I thought you were jealous and came back on purpose."

Qin Feng sighed deliberately, Ye Qingcheng, the girl, was his first woman, and the figure and appearance of the other party were all first-class, which made him very moved.

"What do you think? How can I be jealous! Our God Lord has more than one hundred Taoists."

Ye Qingcheng's face blushed, she gave Qin Feng an angry look, and she didn't like him, how could she be angry. But why is it sour in my heart?

"Oh, you are so jealous, but you really misunderstood. I have nothing to do with that girl."

Qin Feng explained innocently that the little apprentice is very good, but it is not time to break the practice of the other party's practice when it is not yet pushed.


Ye Qingcheng blinked her beautiful eyes, and she asked in disbelief, but in an instant, she knew that she had lost her mind, and she would actually be concerned whether the other party was really doing something, what's wrong?

"of course it's true!"

Qin Feng spread his hands, he looked at Ye Qingcheng with a smile, and instantly turned Ye Qingcheng into a blushing face.

"Don't explain, the explanation is to deny, you quickly lift my seal."

Ye Qingcheng's beautiful eyes glared, and she suddenly realized why she became so concerned about each other?

"It's actually very simple to lift the seal. As long as I use my double cultivation technique, the ban can be completely broken!"

Qin Feng said with a smirk in an uproar, he looked at each other in time, how could the beauty who reached his mouth let her fly again?

Ye Qingcheng opened her mouth, and peach blossoms appeared on her cheeks. She was charming and charming. Her eyes drooped slightly and she couldn't believe it.

"Really, why do I think you are lying to me?"

Ye Qingcheng's voice hesitated, and she seemed to have no confidence. In order to deal with the assault of the assassin, she really needed to lift the ban on her body!

"Of course it is true, how could I lie to you, do you think I am that kind of person?"

Qin Feng said extremely exaggeratedly, and he joked with a smile in his eyes.

"It's so late, what are you two lonely men and women doing in the room?"

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