Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 513: Who is invincible in Yanbei

"How is it possible? How can you have such a precious magic weapon?"

The **** son Motu of the killer gods screamed, he thought it was extremely unbelievable, and the killing that was clearly inevitable, but because the opponent's magic weapon was beyond common sense, he could not see Jiangong!

"Nothing is impossible in this world. If you don't, it doesn't mean I won't get it."

Qin Feng smiled fiercely. He looked at the demon bag in front of him. In fact, he was also very uncomfortable. He was boiled by the shock of the two **** sky-eyed demon knives.

If it weren't for the Wishful Treasure Armor of Dixian's inferior, with amazing protection, he would have been frozen through in the attack just now!

"I'm going, in such a crisis, if someone else is absolutely bound to die!"

"Qin Feng resolved in an instant, which is really surprising!"

"The other party can be called the invincible of the younger generation of Yanbei!"

Over the Yanbei imperial city, countless monks talked that Qin Feng is the saint son of the Suzaku Holy Land. Such talents are so amazing that it can be called Yanbei invincible!

"Qin Feng, you and I don't have to fight with your fate. It's better to be here. Your grievances with the Assassin Gods will be wiped out. From now on, the Assassins Gods will never send anyone to chase you. What do you think?"

At this moment, the **** son Demon Tuo of the killer gods was also a little flustered. He was unwilling to fight anymore and quickly spoke.

In his opinion, the other party would never refuse the request he made. After all, the killer **** walking in the darkness was extremely terrifying.

If you don't need to fight, let the opponent reconcile with the killer, no matter what, your heart will be moved.


Qin Feng said coldly, he and the Assassin Godchao have been endlessly dying, and he is already in the upper hand at the moment, how could he agree to the party's proposal.

"Qin Feng, don't force me!"

The **** son Motu of the killer gods was light-hearted, his hands shook in the void, and a vision appeared behind him.

This vision began to appear, suddenly turning the sky into blood, and terrifying murderous aura spread out.

It was a disc, in which there was a peerless beast, flowing out of a terrifying breath, and broke free!

Qin Feng's eyes were slightly cold, and he felt the breath of peerless horror from there, there seemed to be an ancient fierce beast hidden there, terrifyingly terrifying.

As the light in the blood-colored disc diffused, Qin Feng discovered the beast hidden in it.

It was a creature with red hands and white feet. It looked like an ape with white head and bare feet. It was actually a Zhu Wei!

The fierce beast Zhu Wei, rumored to be a soldier in the midst of it, is fierce when seen, extremely terrifying!

"I went, it turned out to be Zhu Nai, the fierce beast!"

"It is rumored that Zhu Wei is the main swordsman, with unimaginable power and inexplicable aura!"

The countless monks above the imperial city were all stunned. They all changed color after seeing the vision behind the killer Motu!

The fierce beast Zhu Nai is extremely terrifying, and he did not expect it to be a vision of a demon bag. Such a vision is earth-shaking and weeping, and few people in the world can match it!

"Qin Feng, I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you don't cherish it. Now I can't save you when the king of heaven comes!"

The light in the eyes of the God Child Demon Tuo also turned blood red, and a strange aura appeared in his body. The opportunity of horror made everyone in the distance creepy!

"It's just a trivial Zhu, and I dare to pretend to be in front of me, and I can't help myself!"

Qin Feng was still fearless. Zhu Wei was the leader of the swordsman. He had also heard of it. It was a very terrifying method. At thirty, whether the Demon Tuo can exert its full power is yet to be known.

What's more, once Qin Feng can step into the realm of God's Forbidden Realm, all Zhu's evil beasts will be slapped to death!

More importantly, Qin Feng still has the biggest trump card unused at this moment, not to mention Zhu Wei, even if an immortal descends to the world, he can trample to death with one foot, letting his appearance and spirit disappear!


At this moment, the void collapsed, and four images of Shura filled Qin Feng's back. The terrifying Shura vision was covered with scales and bones.

In every vision, a six-dao immortal knife was held in his hand, with a frightening aura.

The four great visions vibrated slightly, a big collapse came out of the void, the space was invisible, and the magical power was terrifying, not much worse than the opponent's Zhu!

"My mind is broken!"

"How many terrorist methods does this kid Qin Feng have?"

"Made, is this kid Shura coming?"

Over the Yan State Imperial City, many monks no longer knew what to say, Qin Feng showed amazing methods time and time again, making them all dumbfounded.

At this time, the other party showed a stunning vision, which made it hard for them to control themselves. The other party was simply a deity, possessing the power of destruction.


When Qin Feng's vision appeared, the Saint Child Motu was slightly frightened, but he quickly calmed down and became one with Zhu Wei's vision behind him, shrouded in brilliance, and rushed forward.

He has sufficient confidence in his Zhu Wei vision, and he is one with the vision. He feels that he is inherently invincible. Few young people in this world can contend with it!


Zhu Mi's vision has become extremely huge, incarnate to a hundred meters of giant, the void of terrible energy suppression will be shattered.

A small hill under Zhu Wei's feet directly crumbled into dust. Pieces of vegetation fell into pieces at Zhu Wei's feet like matchsticks. The raging **** tides here are boiling like a big river.

After seeing this scene, the monks in Yuankong changed their color. They hid in the guardian formation in the imperial city, staring at what happened here, all in amazement.


The four great Shura visions collided with the Zhu Wei vision, the void collapsed, and the mountain peaks were destroyed. In this area, there were large tracts of mountains and forests, which were directly wiped out, and the power of the world was shaking, causing all the spectators to chill.

"Puff puff!"

A few loud noises came, and the Shura vision collapsed in the sky, and the Zhu Wei vision collapsed instantly and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

As Zhu Wei’s vision shattered, the endless rays of light spread all over, and the Saint Demon’s body, whose body was enveloped by the vision, was also instantly torn apart and turned into a corpse, crumbled in the sky. in!


The spectators were all horrified, the extremely powerful assassin goddess Motu was cut into the void by Qin Feng, causing a cry of exclamation.

"The God Child Motu is dead!"

"Qin Feng is simply the **** son killer of the killer gods, hunting down the **** son professional households!"

Countless monks were all amazed that Qin Feng's methods were simply shocking to the world, and they had refreshed their knowledge countless times.

He killed such an outstanding assassin goddess, I am afraid the assassin goddess, or he will die, he will die.

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