Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 514: Surprise attack

Qin Feng did not relax after killing the **** child Motu of the Killer God Dynasty, because he found that after the death of the Motu, there was no scratching card in the same place.

This shows that the **** child of the assassin dynasty may not die at all!

Qin Feng is still the guardian of the divine king's vision. With his powerful divine soul power, he radiates in this area and perceives any wind and grass around him.

However, the deathly silence in the mountains, the movement created here has already shocked countless fierce beasts around, afraid to make any noise.

Here, only the sound of some rocks falling, the saint child demon bag seemed to have really fallen.

It's just that Qin Feng still doesn't want to believe that the system sincerely does not deceive me. It is obviously unreasonable for such a powerful enemy to not explode a scratch card.

But he waited for a long time, the Saint Child Demon of the Killer God Dynasty did not appear, and he did not feel anyone fleeing into the distance.

"What's going on?"

Qin Feng frowned, he did not dare to take it lightly, floating in the air surrounded by True Qi, energy poured into his Divine King Sea, densely covering his body's energy needs.

He also just let the energy converge naturally, and did not use the exercise method to attract it, because he was afraid that the moment when he directly absorbed the true qi, the **** of the assassin goddess would attack and kill him!

However, he waited here for a long time for a stick of incense, and the killer **** toward the **** son Motu did not appear.

Qin Feng thought that the **** son of the killer gods was really dead, and he set out to leave.

In the distant crowd, countless monks looked at Qin Feng's strange figure, not knowing why.

Qin Feng killed the God Child Motu and didn't leave, did he want to wait for others to come and kill him again?

Countless existences are messed up in the wind, can Qin Feng be so powerful and tireless!

"This **** really fierce!"

Countless monks were amazed and felt incredible.


At this time, Qin Feng Yukong rose up, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared at the end of the sky.

"I'm going, Qin Feng moved."

"Qin Feng really left this time. Looking at the direction he went, it seemed to be the Suzaku Holy Land."

The monks who watched from a distance finally found that Qin Feng's figure was moving, and they all cried out and talked.

They didn't even know why Qin Feng had waited so long here after killing the devil's bag.

At this time, people discovered an extremely astonishing scene, where the originally dead gods, the devil's demon, were all gathered together.

In the blink of an eye, the Saint Child Demon Tuo fully recovered, and its strength did not decrease much!

"My Nima!"

"Could it be that Qin Feng found out that the devil's **** was not dead, was he actually waiting for him?"

"The other party is really calm, he will not recover until Qin Feng runs away!"

Yuankong, many cultivators were all taken aback, just after Qin Feng left, the **** son of the killer **** brought the flesh together, and survived as if the phoenix was reborn from the fire!

"The **** son of the killer gods, really scheming."

"Such a scourge has not been solved by Qin Feng. It is truly a scourge left for thousands of years."

The countless cultivators in the distance talked quietly, all in amazement. In fact, they also wanted the secret method very much. This would undoubtedly save the cultivator one more life!

Many people are talking about this, and they are envious. Of course, they dare not speak loudly, for fear of being heard by the saint demon of the assassin gods, and worrying about their lives.

"I knew you weren't dead!"

Suddenly, the brilliance of the void flashed, and Qin Feng's figure came to the sky above the devil's bag again, his eyes revealed an astonishing expression, staring at the devil's bag below, murderous intent.

"Your **** tiger, leopard, wealthy heart!"

At this moment, the **** son Motu was about to cry. He used the Dafa of Understanding the Body to hide in the mountains and forests, extinguishing all the vitality in his body, thinking that he could escape and save his life.

It's just that he didn't expect that Qin Feng would be so cautious, and it took a full time for a stick of incense to leave here.

And now, just when he thought Qin Feng had already run away, the other party turned back again, which made him swear directly.

"Hey, you deserve to be a son of God, it's really hard to kill!"

Qin Feng stepped on the immortal step and pushed forward. The **** of the assassin goddess, he would naturally not give up, he must kill the opponent here!

If it wasn't for the system that didn't explode the scratching card, such a killer goddess, let him pass by.


This is the end of the matter, there is nothing to say, the **** son of the killer **** is extremely powerful!

The light loomed around him, ready to go desperately, Zhu Wei's vision reappeared, mastering the blade, flowing out a terrifying breath.

The two of them swayed vertically and horizontally here, and they fought again, the light rose up in the sky, dazzling, and the breath gave Yuankong countless monks, all trembling, wanting to worship!

"It's really a battle!"

In the sky, Suzaku and Ye Qingcheng sat on the dragon horse, looking down at the battle below, all in awe.

The Zhu Mi vision of the Saint Child Demon Tuo is extremely outstanding, and Ye Qingcheng has also seen the peer's peerless qualifications, which is extremely difficult to deal with.

At this moment, she saw that Qin Feng had actually stood in this situation with the other party, and she was still far better, which made her shocked.

A young man with a stunning cultivation base might really protect her and keep the killer gods out!


There is nothing to say, the two shot brilliantly, five great Shura visions, holding six immortal knives.

The Ten Temple Yama displayed it, slashed forward, the void was cut open, the earth was trembling, the brilliance covered the sky and the moon, and there was supreme power.

The ten directions of heaven and earth were trembling, and Shura's vision opened the door of hell. The fighting power was stunning, and a wave of divine power swept across the heaven and earth.

The terrifying energy light was roaring, the five great Shura visions shattered the world, and it was extremely gorgeous in the night!


Ten Temple Yama once again made meritorious works, five immortal knives, cut the sky and the earth, directly killed the devil and Zhu Wei's vision, in the ten beheads in the void, blood filled the sky!


However, something terrifying happened. The devil's devil's bag was cut apart, and he was once again joined together. His cultivation level had clearly not reached the point where he could be broken and regenerated!

However, at the moment of follow-up, Qin Feng was not killed by Qin Feng, but he was alive again!

This scene shocked all the monks in the distance. What kind of technique is this, it is so terrifying!

"what happened?"

Suzaku's eyes were filled with puzzles and surprises. She looked at Ye Qingcheng on the side, and a terrible sea surged in her heart.

If the other party really has nine lives, then what should be done to kill him. To avoid future troubles?

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