"Little sister, you are very lucky. Another murderer has come to the door." Xiao Ge said to himself that the fierce attack of this thin man has no threat to him. In the eyes of ordinary people, the speed of his sword may be very fast, but for Xiao Ge, it's just slow motion playback.

Xiao Ge still holds the young woman in one hand, and the other hand pokes out at will. Then she easily pinches the thin man's wrist, and then twists it slightly.

"Eh!" The thin man screamed and the spring knife fell to the ground.

Xiao Gesong opened his hand and caught the spring knife. Then he looked at the thin man sympathetically: "what can you do to be a murderer? Even if you are a murderer, why show off in front of me? Well, you're going to get shot

The thin man looks at Xiao Ge with venomous eyes, and then suddenly makes an action that makes Xiao Ge a little surprised. He turns around and runs away, obviously trying to escape.

"You are so unreliable Xiao Ge looks at the young woman sympathetically. With a lift of her hand, she shoots away with a spring knife.

"Eh!" The thin man, who had just run more than ten meters away, screamed, fell to the ground and couldn't get up any more. On his calf, there was the spring knife.

"As husband and wife, you should share weal and woe. How can you escape alone?" Xiao Ge said with a smile, "I'm really a great man. I've reunited a couple and never separated."

"Robbery, help The young woman yelled again. The reason why she didn't yell just now was that she was waiting for the man to save her. But now she found that her man could not be counted on. Now she could only rely on the crowd who didn't know the truth.

They are only about 200 meters away from the entrance of Ning'an park. In fact, there are quite a lot of pedestrians passing by. The shouting of young women has obviously attracted a lot of people's attention, but the attention comes to attention. It's said that it's robbery, but no one dares to help. After hearing this, some people escape from the God of plague.

When the young woman failed, she immediately fell to the ground and cried out, "help! The thief has hit people

The thief hit people?

Are thieves still so arrogant these days? When I heard the woman's words, a group of people, at least a dozen of them, rushed in immediately.

Looking at the woman lying on the ground, and then see the other side of the man fell on the ground, these people immediately angry, this damn thief, too arrogant!

"Hit him!" A man yelled, then rushed up and kicked Xiao Ge with one punch.

And the other ten people are the same, no matter three seven twenty-one, together toward Xiao Ge rushed over, out of the punch, kick the kick.

"Fools are really the most easily used group." Xiao Ge is a little depressed. There are so many idiots and so many blind people in the world. They just shout that so many people regard him as a thief.

"Ah... Er... It hurts so much... Don't hit me... Ah..." a group of people beat and kicked. Some people screamed and screamed. The happy people suddenly realized that something was wrong. How could it be a woman?

Everyone almost stopped, and then, they were surprised to find that Xiao Ge was intact, while the woman who claimed to be beaten by the thief was black and blue, her clothes were messy, just like being insulted in public.

"Thank you for helping me fight thieves. If you still want to fight, go on. I don't mind." Xiao GE has a bright smile on her face.

People are stunned. In broad daylight, won't they go to hell? Why is this so weird?

"Who do you think is the thief?" Finally, someone couldn't help asking.

Xiao Ge did not answer, but suddenly a woman exclaimed: "that woman is a thief, she stole my mobile phone last time!"

"What? Is she the thief who stole your cell phone and threatened you? " Asked the woman's boyfriend.

"Yes, that's her!" The woman nodded for sure.

"Grass, beat her!" The woman's boyfriend angrily yelled, and then rushed up, this time, his goal has really become the female thief.

"Yes, the thief is not beaten. I hate the thief most!" Someone echoed and joined the regiment.

Several other people rushed up together and punched and kicked the woman thief, while Xiao Ge watched the play in a good way, muttering: "what a bunch of blind fools!"

The police siren suddenly sounded, and a police car drove over. The people who had just been fighting happily immediately dispersed in a crowd. Xiao Ge could not help but feel again that these people were so happy when they hit people. When the police came, they ran away. Could no one be more reliable?

When the police car stopped, a vigorous long legged policewoman came down. It was Xiao Jie.

"Little sister, have you got a police car at last?" Xiao Ge asked in surprise.

"That's right. I'm very powerful now. As soon as I said I would arrest people, our vice captain assigned a new car." Xiao Jie was a little proud, but the next second, she saw the woman thief who was beaten badly on the ground. For a moment, she had a headache: "little brother, this is not your fight, is it?"

"Little sister, this is not my fight." Xiao Ge felt very innocent, and then simply told her about it.

It's said that the guy who fell to the ground not far away might be a murderer. Xiao Jie suddenly became nervous and rushed to the place to handcuff the man.

"Brother, you're going to be a witness again." Xiao Jie said to Xiao Ge.

"I'm not going to testify at the police station." Xiao Ge immediately objected. He was busy.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. Just make a note here and sign it. You don't have to go to the police station." Xiao Jie is ready for it.

"Little brother, you are my lucky star!" After the recording, Xiao Jie clapped Xiao Ge on the shoulder excitedly, and then she remembered one thing, "right, why are you here? You don't have to go to class? "

"No, I'll go to the park." Xiao Ge replied.

"Alone?" Xiao Jie thought, "do you want me to accompany you?"

"Little sister, don't you have to take these two thieves back to the police station?" Xiao Ge asked strangely.

"I'll just let someone else come and take it back." Xiao Jie said casually: "although my sister has no authority in the bureau now, many people are willing to do this kind of thing if she can share the credit."

"Well, little sister, you can find someone first. I'll wait for you to go to the park." Xiao Ge naturally won't refuse such a good thing. It's no fun to go to the park alone. It's much more comfortable to have a beautiful policewoman with her.

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