Xiao Jie made a phone call, and then told Xiao Ge: "the deputy leader of our criminal police brigade will come in person, and wait for five minutes."

In less than five minutes, a police car stopped at the side of the road. A male policeman, less than 30 years old, got out of the car and then walked towards Xiao Jie.

"Captain Tu." Xiao Jie said hello.

The male policeman's appearance is not outstanding, but it gives people a sense of competence. He nods to Xiao Jie as a greeting, and then looks at Xiao Ge, with a smile on his face: "are you Xiao Ge? I'm Tu Changwen, deputy leader of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Municipal Bureau. "

"I'm Xiao Ge." Xiao Ge smiles, and then holds Xiao Jie's hand, "little sister, let's go to the park."

"Captain Tu, I'll go first. By the way, the man may be a murderer. You'd better check it carefully." Xiao Jie added.

"Someone called the police and said that there was a thief in Ning'an park. Go and check." Tu Changwen nodded.

"Thank you, Captain Tu." Xiao Jie is not stupid. She knows that Tu Changwen gave her an excuse to go to the park openly. After all, she is still at work now, so she can't go to the park with Xiao Ge.

Tu Changwen smiles and says nothing more. He quickly takes away the two suspects, while Xiao Ge and Xiao Jie walk hand in hand towards the entrance of Ning'an park.

After walking into Ning'an Park, Xiao Ge felt that he was not wrong. There are mountains and water in the park, which really have the conditions for poisonous animals to survive. Of course, the mountain here is actually a small pine forest, and the water here is just a small lake. But in cities, such places with mountains and water are rare, and that's why, There are still a lot of people in this park.

"Little sister, let's go to the woods over there." Xiao Ge thinks that maybe a poisonous snake can be found in the pine forest, so he plans to take a chance. The third day after coming here, Huahua hasn't eaten, so she will not be happy.

"Good!" Xiao Jie agreed to come down, and they went to the pine woods together.

When we were about to reach the pine forest with more than 100 meters to go, suddenly a man ran out of the forest, and behind him, there was a young woman in her thirties, crying and chasing.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Jie was a little surprised. She quickly saw clearly that the man running in front of her was still holding a four or five-year-old boy in his hand. "Can't it be that someone robbed the child in broad daylight?"

"Excuse me, excuse me, the child is in an emergency. I'll take him to the hospital!" The man said as he ran.

"So it is." Xiao Jie muttered: "I'll tell you, it's too much to rob children in broad daylight."

Xiao Ge doesn't care much. Although the woman is crying, she doesn't ask for help. Obviously, the man is right. The man is just helping to send the child to the hospital, not robbing the child. So when he sees the man running over, he takes Xiao Jie's initiative to let him go.

The man ran very fast. The child was in a coma and looked very serious. At the moment when the man ran past Xiao Ge, Xiao Ge subconsciously looked at the little boy in his arms, but his face changed slightly. Then he suddenly put his hand on the man's shoulder.

At this moment, the man felt like a hill on his shoulder, which made him unable to move forward for half a minute. In a hurry, he suddenly turned his head and glared at Xiao Ge: "what are you doing? Let go of me and help me

"What are you doing? Let him go The young woman also came up and yelled at Xiao Ge, "my son is going to have an accident, so I'll ask you to take charge!"

"Your son is not suffering from an emergency. He was bitten by a poisonous bee and was in a coma. Even if he was sent to the hospital immediately, there was no time to save him." Xiao Ge said lightly.

"Well, what about that?" The young woman had been in a panic for a long time. When she heard Xiao GE's words, she cried again.

"Little brother, you can see that he was bitten by a poisonous bee, so you must have a way?" That man is more calm, after all, the child is not his son, he is naturally not so nervous.

"Yes, I have a way." Regardless of whether they agree or not, Xiao Ge puts her hand on the back of the boy's neck.

In a minute.

"Wow..." the little boy burst into tears, and then began to look for his mother: "Mom... Mom..."

Xiao Ge took back his palm. Almost at the same time, a little white light shot from his palm to his chest at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and disappeared instantly.

"The poison has been detoxified. There will be no more life danger. The wound needs to be treated. Take him to the hospital." Xiao Ge said lazily.

"Young man, you are very good!" The man with the baby takes a deep look at Xiao Ge, and then looks at Xiao Jie again. He stays on her for a second, then takes back his eyes and walks away with the baby.

"Thank you, thank you!" The young woman is still very restless. She said a few thanks and then caught up with the man. Although her son has woken up, she obviously can't put her heart down.

The man and the young woman holding the child soon disappeared in sight. Xiao Jie, who had been watching all this and had not said a word, finally spoke: "you are not honest, little brother. Last night you said you were not a doctor. How can you treat others now?"

"Little sister, I'm not a doctor." Xiao Ge seriously replied: "I don't know how to treat diseases, I only know how to detoxify."

"Well, I don't care whether you are a doctor or not. Next time if I'm not careful about food poisoning, I'll call you." Xiao Jie doesn't want to ask about it either. Xiao GE's performance just made her realize that this little brother still has many skills she doesn't know.

"No problem. No matter what poison you get, you can come to me." Xiao Ge solemnly replied: "there is no poison in this world that I can't detoxify."

"Just blow it." Although Xiao Jie thought Xiao Ge was powerful, she didn't believe he was so powerful, but she didn't get tangled in this matter, so she immediately changed the topic, "little brother, do we still go to the pine forest? It's like poisonous bees bite people there. "

"Of course, I'll go. Even if I'm bitten, I'll be there." Xiao Ge naturally wants to go. If he just wanted to try his luck before, now he already knows that there are poisonous bees there. Just now, the little boy was bitten by at least a dozen poisonous bees. There is probably a honeycomb in the pine forest.

"But if two bags are bitten on her face, won't she be disfigured?" Xiao Jie said so, but she had already gone to the pine forest.

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