"Yes, bring it. The charge is 10000 yuan, but I'm not happy with you now, so give me a 12% discount and you can go away." Xiao Ge said lazily.

"I'll compensate your mother. No one ever dares to ask me for money!" Bareheaded roar, and then a punch toward Xiao Ge hit over.

"I don't really like violence." Xiao Ge shakes his head, and then he punches out, "but you're so bald that you really don't deserve beating!"

"Bang!" The two fists collided with each other, making a low dull sound.

"Click!" The crisp sound of bone crack leads to the scream like killing a pig, "ah..."

Although they dodged, they didn't stay far away. They were still watching from a distance. They were stunned by the shrill scream. They subconsciously thought that it was Xiao Ge who made the scream, but then they thought that it was so familiar? Isn't that the voice of the bald king?

If you look carefully, isn't it Wang Manzi who is screaming? He pinched his right hand with his left hand, and instantly he was sweating with pain. As for the young man they were worried about, he stood there in good condition, and nothing happened.

At this moment, Xiao Ge acted again. He suddenly raised his foot and kicked Wang Manzi on the knee. Wang Manzi screamed again and fell to the ground.

"It's wrong to abuse violence." Xiao Ge said to himself, but he kicked Wang Manzi on the waist. "However, I'm a great man. I always do something wrong for a great cause."

Xiao Ge once again kicked out: "for the sake of social harmony!"

Another kick: "for world peace!"

Then he kicked Wang Manzi on the ground for several times: "for my 12000!"

Finally, Xiao Ge stepped on Wang Manzi's chest: "now, do you want to lose money?"

Wang Manzi didn't answer. He seemed to have fainted.

A few onlookers were stunned. Wang Manzi, who used to be a bully in the neighborhood, was beaten like a dead dog?

"So unruly?" Xiao Ge was a little depressed. The bald man was in a coma. It was unrealistic to ask a comatose man for money, so he had to give up for a while.

As like as two peas, the two songs were seen in the sight of the two beauties. One was noble and sexy, the other was pure and moving. The two people stood together. They looked at a mold, and looked completely alike, either in facial features or in facial expressions.

It looks like a pair of sisters, but Xiao Ge knows that they are not sisters, but mother and daughter, because they are Qin Ruoxi and Qin Feiya.

"Ma, he is Xiao Ge!" Qin Feiya points to Xiao Ge and shouts angrily, "this bastard is here to divorce me. I will divorce him now!"

"Well, then our engagement will be cancelled!" Xiao Ge immediately answered, "I'll go first, I'll go back to school!"

Xiao Ge said that he would go and immediately turned around. But after a few steps, Qin Ruoxi's moving voice came from behind: "Xiao Ge, wait."

As soon as her eyes turned, Xiao Ge stopped and turned around. Looking at Qin Ruoxi and Qin Feiya, she showed a bright smile: "sister Ruoxi, what can I do for you?"

Sister Ruoxi?

Hearing this address, Qin Fei is not angry. She stares at Xiao Ge angrily and asks: "what do you call my mother?"

"Sister Ruoxi." Xiao Ge is a natural.

"You call my mother and sister?" Qin Feiya wants to strangle Xiao Ge very much. This bastard is really irritating!

"Shall I call my sister?" Xiao Ge looked embarrassed, "but your mother is a little older than me. Isn't it good to call her sister?"

"You Qin Fei was so angry that she almost walked away on the spot for the second time today.

"Xiao Ge, you should call me auntie." Qin Ruoxi's soft voice calmed Qin Feiya down, but her next words made Qin Feiya calm down again. "Of course, you can call me the same as Ya Ya. After all, you are Ya Ya's fiance."

Qin Feiya immediately began to protest: "Mom, my engagement with him has just been cancelled!"

"Sister Ruoxi, Qin Feiya is right. Our engagement has been cancelled." Xiao Ge immediately agrees. He and Qin Feiya finally reach an agreement.

"Xiao Ge, your engagement with Ya Ya is decided by your master and me. If you want to cancel it, it must be cancelled by your master and me. Therefore, what you two said about canceling the engagement will not have any effect." Qin Ruoxi's voice is still soft, but it has a force that can't be opposed. "This engagement is not made by you two. Similarly, whether the engagement is cancelled or not is not up to you two."

Xiao Ge was suddenly depressed. According to this, if he wanted to cancel the engagement, he had to find the old man, but the old man said he was dead. Where could he find him?

Qin Feiya was not happy: "Mom, how can you do this? What time is it now? How can you arrange a marriage? "

Before Qin Ruoxi could speak, Qin Feiya immediately turned to Xiao Ge and began to attack him: "Mom, he just had a brain problem. Today, he said in front of so many people that he wanted to divorce me, which made me lose face at all. Besides, he talked in a mess and even called your sister. Most importantly, he was a violent maniac, If I really want to be with him, I will definitely suffer from domestic violence every day. Mom, you can't push me into the fire pit, can you

"Hey, Qin Feiya, don't be unjust. I'm not a violent maniac." Xiao Ge some dissatisfied correction, "I do not like the use of violence."

"Don't like violence? From school to now, in less than two hours, you have had two fights! " Qin feiyajiao snorted, "you had a fight with Wang Fei and six of them, and then just had another fight with a bald head. How dare you say you don't like violence? You're a complete violent maniac

Xiao Ge is indifferent: "Master said, as a Tangmen disciple, low-key is the most valuable quality, I am a low-key person, fight such a high-profile thing, I generally will not do."

"Give it back to the disciples of the Tang clan!" Qin Feiya looked scornful, "have you read too many martial arts novels? I think you are a disciple of the beggars' sect. Do you know how to subdue the dragon

"I'll drop the girl 18 touch, do you want to try?" Xiao Ge looks at Qin Feiya with a smile.

"What brings down girl 18..." Qin Feiya just said this, suddenly reacted, suddenly blushed and glared at Xiao Ge, "hooligan!"

"I'm not a hooligan. I'm a disciple of Tangmen. If you don't believe me, ask your mother." Xiao Ge said solemnly.

Qin Feiya didn't ask, but Qin Ruoxi spoke first, the tone is still so soft and moving: "Xiao Ge, how is your master?"

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