"I don't know. He said he was dead." Xiao Ge looks depressed.

"He said he was dead?" Qin Ruoxi's Willow eyebrows are slightly frowning. How can this sound so strange? Can this man talk when he's dead?

"He left me a letter saying that he knew that he was going to die soon and asked me to come here to find you. He also built a grave for himself and said that he buried himself. As for whether he was really dead, I don't know." Xiao Ge is very depressed when he talks about it. "I wanted to dig the grave, but if he was really buried in it, it would be bad. I can't really dig his grave, but I think 90% of him pretended to be dead and ran away."

Qin Ruoxi nodded slightly. She knew something about Xiao GE's master. She agreed with Xiao GE's guess that his master should just pretend to be dead.

After a little meditation, Qin Ruoxi asked again, "Xiao Ge, can you tell me why you want to divorce ya ya?"

"As the saying goes, marriage is the grave of youth..." Xiao Ge answered immediately.

Qin Feiya interrupted him, but also a look of disdain: "illiterate, clearly marriage is the tomb of love!"

"Youth without love, is it still youth?" Xiao Ge rightfully retorted, "in a word, I'm only 19 years old. It's my prime time. How can I bury my youth in the grave? So, you have to get out of marriage! "

Speaking of this, Xiao Ge looked at Qin Ruoxi eagerly: "well, sister Ruoxi, since my master said that he was dead, then we should take him as dead. I can decide whether to divorce myself?"

"Xiao Ge, if your master is not in the world, your engagement is his last wish. Do you want to go against your master's last wish?" Qin Ruoxi shook her head. "I believe you won't go against your master's will, and I won't either. I can't promise to cancel the engagement."

Xiao Ge can't help but feel dejected. This engagement can't be cancelled so easily!

"Xiao Ge, I know you don't know about ya ya now, but it doesn't matter. You are still young, and you will have a lot of time to get to know each other." Qin Ruoxi said: "a month ago, your master wrote a letter to me. I knew you were coming. I had prepared a room for you. Later, you can live with us. Everything you study in Ningcheng university has been arranged. You and Yaya can go to school together and go home together after school."

"Mom, I don't want to live with him!" Qin Feiya protested angrily.

"Don't be sentimental. I don't want to live with you." Xiao Ge looks at Qin Feiya. He is still a little excited because he wants to live with Qin Ruoxi. However, in order to get out of marriage, he must resist the temptation and keep a distance from Qin Feiya.

Xiao Ge looked at Qin Ruoxi and continued, "sister Ruoxi, I have a dormitory at school, so I won't live with you."

"Well, I don't ask for it either, but I'll keep the room for you. You can go in anytime you want." Qin Ruoxi thought for a while, then nodded and agreed.

"Since you don't want to give up, I'd better go first." Xiao Ge said again, then turned around and left.

"Who said I didn't want to quit?" Qin Feiya's unconvinced retort, but it's a pity that Xiao Ge doesn't pay any attention to her anymore. He walks very fast. After a while, he has disappeared at the corner hundreds of meters away and completely disappeared in her sight.

"I'm so angry. Who wants to divorce me? I didn't even say I want to divorce him!" Qin Feiya looks angry and thinks about her. But when she was in kindergarten, a lot of little boys used lollipops to coax her into being a beautiful girl. Over the years, I don't know how many people have chased her. She always refuses others. But today, Xiao Ge takes the initiative to divorce her. It's totally unreasonable!

"Yaya, let's go home." Qin Ruoxi's voice is soft, but there is a trace of confusion in her eyes. Obviously, she can't understand why Xiao Ge wants to divorce her baby daughter.

"Mom, who is the master of that bastard Xiao Ge? Why did you and his master make any engagement for us then? " Qin Feiya asked angrily.

"His master..." speaking of this, Qin Ruoxi stopped a little, and then continued to say: "it's called Tangmen."

"Ah?" Qin Feiya was stunned, "Tangmen? The Tang clan in Shu often seen in novels

"No Qin Ruoxi shook her head. "His master's surname is Tang, and his single name is a family name."

"Is that ok?" Qin Feiya is a little messy. Is Tangmen a personal name?

Qin Ruoxi said with a faint smile: "so, he didn't cheat you. He is really a disciple of Tangmen, a disciple of Tangmen."

Qin Feiya is even more speechless. This is the meaning of the so-called Tangmen disciple!

At the moment, Xiao Ge finally enters the gate of Ningcheng University.

"It's really depressing to me that I still didn't succeed in quitting my marriage." Xiao Ge said to himself, and finally sighed, "it's a long way to go

Today is September 9th, Monday. The freshmen of Ningcheng university start school earlier. They start school in mid August, and their military training has ended.

It took Xiao Ge a few hours to complete his admission procedures in Ningcheng University. In fact, his master had arranged this for a long time. He is now a freshman in the Chinese Department of Ningcheng University.

In the blink of an eye in the afternoon, it was already dark, and the street lights were on in the campus. Xiao Ge walked through the playground and went directly to the staff dormitory. The teachers who failed to buy a house in Ningcheng university basically lived in this dormitory.

This staff dormitory building is the tallest building in Ningcheng University and the only one with elevator. Other dormitories, teaching buildings, office buildings and libraries have only seven floors.

Of course, the staff dormitory building is only a few storeys high, with a total of 11 storeys. After all, if it is too high, it will stand out from the crowd. If it is too high, the parents will have a problem.

Xiao Ge went straight into the dormitory building, then into the elevator, came to the sixth floor, and then stopped at the door of Room 601.

Taking out a key from his pocket, Xiao Ge was about to open the door, but just then the door of room 602 next door suddenly opened and a young beauty came out.

The young beauty is wearing a white short sleeve shirt on her upper body, a knee length black dress on her lower body, and a white belt on her slim waist, which appropriately outlines her slim figure. Although Xiao GE has just met Qin Ruoxi's noble and elegant beauty, the beauty in front of him still makes him feel bright in front of his eyes.

Seeing Xiao Ge, the young beauty was a little stunned, and then asked, "Xiao Ge, what can I do for you?"

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