"Xiao Jie, there are only 25 minutes left now!" Liu Kui can't help reminding Xiao Jie that it's time for them to gossip about other people's private affairs!

"Little brother, if you really have a way, help group leader Liu." Xiao Jie whispered that Liu Kui was right. If ye Xiang really died, ye Mingfang would hate her. She is a policewoman who has no power, no power and no background. If she only offends Ye Mingfang, a very rich man, she might just lose her job. But if she kills someone else's son, it must be no good end.

Even now she has such a powerful brother as Xiao Ge, Xiao Jie still doesn't think she can get a good result. More importantly, she doesn't think it's necessary to have such a big feud with Ye Mingfang.

"Are you sure the guy named Ye Xiang is also in it?" Xiao Ge then looked at Liu Kui and asked.

"That's for sure." Liu Kui replied.

"Are you sure he's still alive?" Xiao Ge asked again.

Liu Kui's face changed slightly: "Xiao Ge, what do you mean by this sentence?"

"There should be only one living person in it, unless ye Xiang is not there. If he is, he is dead." Xiao Ge talks to himself.

"What?" Liu Kui's face changed, "Xiao Ge, are you, are you sure?"

Xiao Ge did not answer, suddenly felt something, turned to the other side, and Xiao Jie and Liu Kui also subconsciously followed his line of sight to see the past.

A Lamborghini open top sports car rushed directly into the cordon set by the police and stopped. A tall man jumped from the car and jumped two meters high. The man was wearing a black windbreaker. When it was still a little hot today, such a dress should have given people some strange feeling, but when he was hanging in the air, This windbreaker makes him more natural and refined.

The man in the windbreaker spins in mid air and seems to take a step in the air. Then, he falls in front of Liu Kui. At this time, people can see his appearance clearly. He is very young, should not be more than 25 years old, and he is also very handsome. He has sharp edges and sharp eyebrows. The only beauty is that his eyes are very cold, which gives people a very cold feeling, Actually, it's more attractive to women.

This is not, even Xiao Jie seems to be a little absent-minded, this guy's way of playing, it is a bit of a drag.

"Are you Liu Kui?" The man in the windbreaker took out a certificate and said in a cold voice, "I'll take over here now!"

Liu Kui looked at the certificate, his face slightly changed, and immediately became extremely respectful: "yes!"

The man in the windbreaker took back his certificate and strode towards the villa.

"Stand by, everyone." Liu Kui also issued orders to other police officers almost at the same time.

"Who is this man? It seems to be very powerful. " Xiao Jie whispered at this time.

"Yes, it seems very powerful." Xiao Ge casually said, "it's just like."

At this time, Fang Qiang roared again in the villa: "Liu Kui, what do you want to do? Who told you to let people in? Get out of here, get out of here, or I'll set off the bomb

Fang Qiang's roar suddenly stopped. He only heard a dull hum, and then there was no sound.

A minute later, the man in the windbreaker appeared in everyone's sight. In his hand, he also carried a man with disheveled hair. He seemed to be in a coma.

"I took this man with me." The man in the windbreaker passed by Liu Kui, said coldly, threw the comatose man into the Lamborghini, and he jumped into the car. The next second, the car started and went away quickly.

It took less than three minutes for this man to appear and leave. However, the problem that the serious crime unit of the Municipal Bureau has been unable to solve for a long time has been easily solved by him.

"It's really powerful!" Xiao Jie muttered to herself.

Liu Kui also looked at the distant Lamborghini with admiration: "it's really worthy of the people of that place!"

"Group leader Liu, where is he from?" Xiao Jie can't help asking.

"Xiao Jie, this can't be said. In the future, you may have a chance to know." Liu Kui now looks quite relaxed, and then put down the horn, a wave of his hand, "everyone follow me in!"

"Little sister, let's leave early." But Xiao Ge said, and then first got into Xiao Jie's police car.

Xiao Jie got on the bus with him, but he was confused: "little brother, why don't you wait and see it again?"

"Little sister, let's drive first." Xiao Ge didn't explain.

Although Xiao Jie was a little confused, she drove away according to her words.

Three minutes later, Xiao Jie, who has left Xinan villa, receives a phone call. Then she looks at Xiao Ge with strange eyes.

"Little brother, the son of President ye, is really dead." Xiao Jie looked at Xiao Ge, "leader Liu is going crazy."

"I expected that." Xiao Ge was not surprised at all.

"It's broken. I don't know if ye will blame me." Xiao Jie worried, "if she thinks it's because she didn't pay the ransom that she let the other party tear up the ticket, it will blame me."

After a pause, Xiao Jie was a little scared: "little brother, fortunately you didn't go to help just now, otherwise, ye always felt that you killed her son."

"Little sister, don't be afraid of that woman. If she dares to trouble you, you will slap her in the face." Xiao Ge obviously didn't care about it.

"Little brother, it's easy for you to say that!" Xiao Jie showed a wry smile at the corner of her mouth. However, after a few seconds, her expression had returned to normal, and her voice was raised a little bit. "Come on, it's no use worrying about it. Let's go and see my dad now, little brother. How about it?"

"Good." Xiao Ge agreed.

In a building in Ning'an district.

In an office.

"Pa!" When the mobile phone fell to the ground, ye Mingfang stood there, motionless and unresponsive, just like a sculpture.

"Xiang Xiang!" After a full minute, ye Mingfang suddenly hissed and burst into tears. Her legs softened and she sat down on the floor.

Ye Mingfang's wailing soon startled other people in the building, but no one came to comfort ye Mingfang. On the one hand, ye Mingfang's popularity is really not good. On the other hand, people almost know what happened. When they comfort ye Mingfang, the effect is often counterproductive.

Ye Mingfang's cry lasted for ten minutes before it finally stopped. Then, five minutes later, those who secretly observed the movement here saw Ye Mingfang come out of the office.

At the moment, ye Mingfang's eyes are red and swollen, but no tears can be seen. These people are familiar with Ye Mingfang, but at this moment, they all feel strange!

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