In the past, ye Mingfang was domineering most of the time, and occasionally he pretended to be noble and generous. But at this moment, ye Mingfang's body exuded a kind of bone chilling, and strong hostility!

Ye Mingfang used to make people feel disgusted, but now ye Mingfang makes people feel fear unconsciously!

At this moment, everyone has an idea in his heart, I don't know who is going to have bad luck!

In the eyes of the people, ye Mingfang walked out of the building, got into a Honda car, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone: "Xiangxiang is dead."

On the other end of the phone, there was a low voice: "I already know."

"I want revenge!" Ye Mingfang said coldly.

"I will let Fang Qiangsheng die." Said the low voice.

"It's not Fang Qiang. It's Qin Ruoxi. Xiangxiang is Qin Ruoxi's son of a bitch!" Ye Mingfang suddenly yelled at the phone.

The phone was silent for a while, then said: "Fangfang, I know you are very sad, I am also very sad, but this matter, has nothing to do with Qin Ruoxi."

"When I say it's related, it's related. Her future son-in-law broke the ransom and slapped me in the face!" Ye Mingfang continued to roar in the phone, "in short, I want to revenge her, I lost my son, I want her to have no daughter, I want her to have nothing, I want her to be ruined!"

"Fangfang, there is a head of injustice and a owner of debt. I know that you and Qin Ruoxi have always had personal grudges, but this is another matter. You can't put your son's death on her head, let alone find someone else to vent your anger." The voice on the other end of the phone tries to persuade Ye Mingfang.

"I'm venting? My son? That's your son, too! " Ye Mingfang yelled at the other end of the phone, but the next second, she suddenly calmed down and said coldly, "I'll tell you now, either Qin Ruoxi is ruined, or I'll shake out your scandal and let you be ruined!"

With these words, ye Mingfang smashed the mobile phone out, slapping it on the door and breaking it into several pieces.

"Qin Ruoxi, I won't let you have a good life!" Ye Mingfang's eyes are full of venom.

Located in Ningcheng North Road, Xiuli residential district is an old-fashioned multi-storey residential district. This residential district is only one kilometer away from Ningcheng square. It used to be one of the best residential districts in Ningcheng. However, with the development of real estate in recent years, all kinds of elevator residential districts and even villas have appeared, and Xiuli residential district has gradually been ignored.

"Little brother, this is it!" The police car into the community, parked under a building, Xiao Jie will get off the car, pointed to the front, "my home is there."

"Xiao Jie, are you home?" A middle-aged woman came to greet Xiao Jie warmly. Then she saw Xiao Ge, "eh, Xiao Jie, are you finally looking for a boyfriend? The young man is not bad. He is very energetic

"Auntie, you're very energetic, too." Xiao Ge smiles brightly at the middle-aged woman.

"Xiao Jie, you are such a good boy friend. You are polite." Middle aged women look happy.

Xiao Jie's pretty face flushed slightly: "Aunt Li, you misunderstood, he is not my boyfriend, he is my brother."

"Brother?" Aunt Li was a little surprised at first, and then she suddenly realized, "Oh, I know, you young people, it's not popular to have sister brother relationship."

"Aunt Li, really not..." Xiao Jie also wanted to explain.

"Well, well, don't explain. I said Xiao Jie, you're old. It's good to find a boyfriend. Don't cover it up." Aunt Li said with a smile, "come on, I won't disturb you. I'll buy soy sauce."

Aunt Li walked quickly past them, while Xiao Ge was happy.

"What are you laughing at? Look how you smile Xiao Jie white Xiao Song one eye, "I tell you, wait to see my father, you can not talk."

"Little sister, I'm a smart and clear minded person, and I'll never talk nonsense." Xiao Ge said with a smile.

"Don't be poor, let's go!" Xiao Jie gives Xiao Ge a white eye again, quickly steps forward, turns into the first unit of the building, and then takes out the key at the door of room 101, opens the door and goes in.

"Dad, I'm back!" Xiao Jie shouts as she changes her shoes.

There was no response in the room.

Xiao Jie's face suddenly showed a look of panic, she ran to the house: "Dad, Dad, where are you?"

However, looking all over the room, Xiao Jie still didn't find anyone. A strong uneasiness surged from the bottom of her heart.

"Little sister, your father seems to be out of the door." Xiao Ge couldn't help saying.

Xiao Jie didn't speak. She just took out her mobile phone and dialed out her father's mobile phone number as quickly as possible.

The phone was soon connected. Xiao Jie was a little relieved, and then asked eagerly, "Dad, where have you been?"

"Xiao Jie, I can't be your name." On the other end of the phone, a strange man's voice came, "ha ha, I don't want to be your disabled father, but if I can be your godfather, I don't mind, ha ha..."

At the end, the strange man burst out laughing.

Xiao Jie's heart was suddenly lifted to her throat. She was very anxious, but she knew that she had to be calm at this time. She took a deep breath, then bit her teeth and slowly asked, "who are you? What have you done to my father? "

"Xiao Haoran is good now, but it's up to you whether he'll be good later." Strange man said in no hurry.

"If you have any conditions, just say it. Don't beat around the Bush!" Xiao Jie said angrily.

"Xiao Jie, you are so cheerful. Well, I'll tell you straight. In ten minutes, you come to Ningcheng square. Remember, you can only come by yourself. If I find anyone following you, Xiao Haoran will be disabled from both legs to all limbs!" The strange man's tone exudes a strong threat, "don't say I didn't warn you, your every move is in our attention, you just took your little boy friend home, but I hope your little boy friend doesn't come out with you, otherwise, you already understand the consequences."

With these words, the strange man hung up.

"Little brother, my father was kidnapped..." Xiao Jie turned to look at Xiao Ge, extremely anxious.

Before she finished, Xiao Ge interrupted her: "little sister, I heard it all. Just do as the man said. I will follow you in the dark."

"But what if they find you?" Xiao Jie is a little worried. She knows that the other party is trying to lead her to go alone. If she does, I'm afraid it won't come to a good end. She also wants to ask the police for help, but she is worried that the other party will really hurt her father.

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