Jiangning has been a very peaceful person since they were together. As long as other people don't commit crimes against themselves, Jiangning will never kill others. However, if others frame themselves, Jiangning will not have any situation of keeping hands. If one keeps his hands, he will be able to put himself into it. Such a situation is extremely inconsistent Reasonable.

Sometimes, the wider your heart is, the more things you encounter, and here, whether Jiangning or other people, will be such a situation, and in addition to Jiangning, Yueer and others are also a key point, after all, they can not encounter any danger, if they encounter danger, then It's going to be a total failure.

When yue'er was fighting, she suddenly found out that a person's fighting style was very similar to that of the Protoss. After she saw this, the whole people were angry. She would never forget her people's Prayer under the protoss, praying not to kill herself. However, there was no accident for the Protoss. She directly killed the Yue people.

Even if Yueer is killed in battle, she will remember this. Moreover, no matter who encounters such a thing, he will be extremely angry. Compared with his own race, he will be almost exterminated. Anyone who encounters such a thing will be angry.

Yue'er is completely angry, and her anger directly affects her reason. At this time, she only sees yue'er directly. For those who want to take away the God killing pot, she will never have any hands left. After all, this thing is related to whether they can kill the Protoss.

If this thing is thrown out, there will be no way to deal with the Protoss. After all, only one method can be used to deal with the protoss, and it is impossible to use another method. Especially about the other point, as long as the protoss have a little power, it will make Jiangning and other people's heads ache.

"Killed?" I can't help but ask Jiang Yueer. She is not sure whether these people should be killed or not, but if one wants to be killed, she definitely does not have any hesitation. After all, these people are bad people who want to rob their God killing pot. They have worked so hard to get it from the stone clan. It is impossible for her to give it to others.

"Kill!" Jiangning said coldly, and then only saw the moon, the moment is the explosion of a super powerful power to come, directly is to kill this person, there is no any muddleheaded argument.

When Fengying and Liumei see the power of Yueer, they are both stunned. They have no idea that yue'er is so powerful. They say they want to kill this masked man, but they actually kill them. There is not a bit of muddleheaded saying, even faster than Jiangning's attack. We can see from this point Yueer's strength is coming.

However, yue'er's strength is just ordinary. If she can kill this person in an instant, it depends on her own anger. If there is no anger support, she can't do it at all. Even so, to do this, you must have a great support, and Yueer obviously has internal support 。

Jiangning is also stupefied down, this month's violence, let him think of the previous moon, the previous month is not so, but do not know why, after what month clan's thing, it has been completely angry, even a lot of things, in the past, Yueer was afraid to do, now is doing everything to do well.

There were a lot of things in the past. What Yueer said had to be approved by Jiangning. But now, she can make her own decisions. She doesn't need Jiangning's consent. After all, she has made her own decision. Moreover, Yueer has learned a lot of knowledge here.

"Let's go. Since we have already killed these people, we must be on our way. Otherwise, it will be a bit troublesome if we are chased by other people again." Jiangning pondered for a while and said to the three girls.

After all, there is a leak now. If they stay again, other things will happen. Although they are already in an invincible state, they can't delay for too long. After all, if they delay too long, there will be unknown things. There is another point, they should return quickly The land of the Central Plains is coming. Then we can stop the protoss from coming.

It's been a long time. No one can guarantee whether the protoss will continue to fight. If they do, then it will be really troublesome. Moreover, Jiangning absolutely has to go back to deal with the Protoss. Whenever he thinks of the previous animal tide and another encounter with the high priest, Jiangning has a sense of danger Here it is.

This sense of danger is not what he has for himself, but for all the people in the Central Plains. After all, the protoss can't do anything about him. However, it can be used against other races here. It would be disastrous to fight against some races as weak as Yuezu.Jiangning has known this for a long time. After all, only a small race like the Moon Clan will become the first sword like the Protoss. As long as a lot of small races are bullied down, the remaining big races will not be so good.

"I didn't expect that someone would come to our trouble!" Yue'er is nothing at the moment. After all, she killed those masked people. In addition, Jiangning and other people here are very angry with these masked people.

They got the = God killing pot, which can be said to be tens of thousands of miles to the East China Sea. It is impossible for them to give them to others. If they give them away, it will be a total waste of time. It is even undeniable that other things will arise here.

"I hope next time I don't meet other people who come to stop me!" When Jiangning said this, he couldn't help showing his worried appearance, because in any case, at this time, he would not want any other things to happen. After all, it was not easy for Jiangning to get the God killing pot. ..

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