However, the next scene really made Jiangning speechless. They were really afraid of anything. At this time, when they were less than a few miles away, there were a wave of people coming. This group of people, also masked people, came. But Jiangning can see from his breath that these are orcs.

"Paralyzed, I didn't expect it was orcs. This is really looking for death!" Jiangning had never thought of the attack of the orcs, because they hated the orcs in one aspect or another.

When they arrived in the East China Sea, they had already been attacked by orcs. They thought they were getting the killing pot. Even if the orcs knew that Jiangning had got it, they would not stop them. After all, Jiangning's ability had been demonstrated, but Jiangning still didn't think that it was still a disaster It's an orc attack.

"I'm really looking for death!" Yue'er also said fiercely that she did not have a little favor for the orcs. Why not? Because before that, this group of orcs blocked them from coming. In this case, Jiangning and Yuer didn't want to pay attention to the situation, but they didn't expect that the orcs would attack them again and again This has already made them all angry.

"Can you kill it?" Yue'er's anger, already burning in anger, asked directly. At the same time, her facial expression, at this time, is also as far as possible to overflow, anger rising, if the moon people here, then you may know that this situation is not right, because the moon is never before this situation.

But I didn't expect that there was still such a situation. If yue'er didn't reduce pressure, maybe she would go crazy. After all, at this time, yue'er's mood was extremely furious.

Seeing this, Jiangning quickly understood that the moon was in a state. He didn't think about it. He immediately said, "kill it, it's OK! As long as you don't hurt yourself, you can fight against this group of people! "

In the final analysis, Jiangning is also for the sake of yue'er. In fact, these people can be solved by themselves. However, if yue'er is not given such an opportunity, problems will arise. When a person's anger has reached its peak, if it can not be released, it will be a thorough event.

It can even be said that sometimes, in order to reduce pressure, some people have to do something incomprehensible, but in any case, they are thinking for themselves. After all, only in this way can they go further. Otherwise, as in the last time, yue'er went crazy directly, and it would be more than worth the loss.

Fengying also frowned and looked at yue'er. She was a woman. She also understood that the state of yue'er was coming. If something was not done well, there would be problems immediately. Even so, even she could not deny that yue'er was in this state.

And here, the moon is also a little bit like before the state of madness, even if a person who does not understand, at the moment is not going to block the moon, because a block, the moon can not send out her anger, then it will be a very difficult thing to do, will be crazy again is no exception.

"Yes, I see!" The moon nodded, the look on the face immediately changed down, and then did not want to think, directly to these people.

She was very quick. At the first moment, she had already picked up this group of people. Because she knew that the orcs were coming, Yueer also sent out all her strength. She only wanted to solve these orcs in the first time, because she could use her own strength to do a lot of such things.

Jiangning didn't make a move. At this time, he stood quietly watching yue'er, hoping that yue'er could survive this hurdle. In any case, yue'er didn't want anything to happen. As long as she could kill these orcs, everything would be very good.

The orcs did not expect that yue'er was so powerful, and they clearly knew that yue'er had entered a state. If there was no accident, they would not be able to fight with yue'er. After all, things would happen to yue'er in any case.

On the contrary, the other two girls are watching yue'er nervously. After all, yue'er's state is a little bit bad. Although the whole person has become extremely violent, she will think a little bit more when she is awake. Therefore, sometimes, the violent state is not a good state.

Not only that, in another case, when sober, may also be able to understand some things, not necessarily, but if you do not sober up, it is absolutely impossible to understand more things. After all, at this time, in addition to fighting or fighting, yue'er can only discover her anger and can not know I know everything else.At this time, Jiangning said coldly: "there is nothing wrong with fighting, directly attacking and killing people. After all, we don't know these people. Moreover, since these people dare to come to us and want to get the God killing pot, they are ready to die. This is absolutely nothing wrong!"

"If a man is not ready, he will not do it like this!" Fengying also said this time. After all, she saw yue'er and asked Jiangning what she meant.

Although she is in a violent state, yue'er still knows how to greet Jiangning. Jiangning is the leader of this team, and its strength is extremely terrible. What's more, Jiangning is much better than other people in terms of operation technology.

If they had been led by another person before, perhaps their team would have been dead for a long time. It is absolutely impossible for them to come to this point today. After all, even with Jiangning, they have experienced many near death situations, so in this respect, they are incomparable to Jiangning Trusted. ..

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