When a person has a strong strength, he has a lot of Assassin's mace. Just like a person like Jiangning, the assassin's mace in his hand is often doubled by other people. Not only that, but even more. When a person reaches a certain strength, he can get a lot of treasures.

This is obviously the case for the Gaozu and Liu Furong, because they release a lot of things here. Not only that, they also have a combination of skills. As long as this skill is triggered, it will make all people die.

"Jiangning, stop the two of them, or they will fit together!" At this time, Liu Mei was also completely flustered. She didn't want to see the last situation again, because after the last situation, Jiangning was already injured and couldn't afford to be injured. It was directly healing for a long time before she appeared again.

If these two people get together this time, it will be a very difficult thing. Maybe Jiangning will hurt herself because of defeating them. This is not what they want to see, so at this time, they remind Jiangning.

"Don't worry, they can't escape even if they do it!" At this time, Jiangning couldn't help laughing, because he had great confidence in himself. In the supreme system, he could completely affect a person's breath. So he was ready to use his system ability. As long as he used his own system ability, the two people would not fit together.

At that time, if you want to play with them, it's OK!

At this time, only heard Liu Furong said coldly, and her voice suddenly became gloomy and incomparable: "you are looking for death. You have just given you an opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it. This time let you know what is the real strength! Even if you have a lot of staff, it can't stop our combination! "

When her voice fell, an invisible thing seemed to unite her and Gaozu together. It directly made their breath unite at this moment. Not only that, but also the breath of two people became stronger at this moment. The debris in the field kept flying at this time.

After Jiangning saw this situation, the whole person was stunned. However, he did not have any hesitation. He directly called out his system ability, and then tried to stop the two people from combining. At this time, as long as it is blocked, it is OK for Jiangning and others to play with them.

For these two people, Jiangning already has a lot of hatred, which is needless to say at all. In this, as long as they do not release the most powerful force, Jiangning can be blocked.

There was no accident. After Jiangning used the ability of the system, Jiangning directly interrupted their combination skills. Then Jiangning said coldly: "do you want to force integration? In front of me, you dare to do such a thing. You really don't know whether to live or die! "

"You, you know how to break our forced combination, you beast!" At this time, Liu Furong was completely panicked. As long as their fitness skills were interrupted by others, they would not have any words to say. They would be killed completely, because the situation in the field was not good.

"What's the matter? Do you think you have an assassin's mace? I tell you, I have more maces than you have! " When Jiangning said this, he couldn't help sneering, because at this time, he already understood the weakness of these two people.

A person's weakness is just like the fatal existence of others. As long as you find this weakness, you can defeat them with the minimum ability. This is what Jiangning has been able to do. Otherwise, Jiangning will not have such a strong Jiangning at this time.

People outside the stadium are happy to see Jiangning blocking the combination of these two people. After all, it is a very exciting thing to be able to stop them at this time. In this way, they have no words to say. As long as it can stop this, these two people are not so strong.

However, the next scene shocked all the people. Only Liu Furong broke through Jiangning's barrier, and then entered Gaozu's side, directly holding Gaozu, and then launched the most powerful attack, leaving the encirclement of the elite team.

When this situation appeared, everyone was stunned. They did not expect that these two people would escape. People with such strong strength would escape. This made them extremely depressed. It can even be said that they have never seen such a powerful person escape here.It was the first time for them to see these two people. After all, they were so powerful. If they were other people, they would not be so surprised. After all, other people's strength was just average, which could not be compared with this powerful man.

"Gone? Is that how I left? " At this time, Liu Mei could not help feeling depressed, because she found that Liu Furong left very fast, like a kind of blood escaping, which made her incomparably shocked.

"It seems to be gone!" At this time, Fengying also said a little depressed. After all, it was the first time for her to see such a powerful two people running away in full view of the public. This is something that no one has ever thought of.

It can even be said that in this, they still used a long-standing blood escape. To know that using this blood dodge would be extremely harmful, that is to say, after using blood dunk, they could not recover in half a year. ..

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