This is a kind of lost skill. After being used by ordinary people, it will be latent, and then it will be slowly healed. After all, it is extremely harmful to use blood escape. Ordinary people only use it when they are running for their lives, and they will not use it in ordinary times.

Can't it be that at that time, Liu Furong had already sensed death? It's impossible at all! After all, their elite team is powerful, but it is only limited to Gaozu. For Liu Furong, Jiangning can not kill her. As long as we continue to fight, there will still be a situation of five to five. However, they did not expect that the two of them ran away in this way.

It was really a surprise, and this is also they have never seen, after all, use blood to escape, this is no one! Especially for such powerful people, if they use blood to escape, no one will believe it. After all, if this kind of thing is used down, it will be extremely harmful.

Jiangning came down from the high altitude at this time. At this time, his face also showed the color of doubt. After all, he had been blocking Liu Furong, but he could not do any harm to her. After all, Liu Furong's strength was very considerable, only one point was that something happened among them.

Otherwise, there are very important things in the fury clan, so that they have to use blood escape to go back quickly, because some things can be saved after using blood escape, which is different from ordinary things.

However, no matter how Jiangning and others guess, they can't guess. After all, at this time, they don't know what Liu Furong and Gaozu are thinking, and they can't pursue them, because if they use blood to escape, they will be thousands of miles away in an instant.

This is also a escape stunt, ordinary people will not have such a stunt, but the strength of these two people, with this blood escape, it is also normal.

"What's going on?" After Liu Mei came over, she couldn't help feeling a little depressed, because she couldn't figure out why these two people escaped. After all, they didn't have any life danger before.

"I don't know. Maybe there is something wrong with them, or they won't leave so soon. After all, the cost of using blood escape is extremely huge!" Jiangning can't help saying, after all, for such things, he really does not understand, if the ordinary people, even what kind of things, it is not easy to use this blood dunk, it can be said that after using blood Dun, it is already on behalf of his real strength, for a period of time, there will be no progress.

Some skills will not be used by the enemy for a long time, even when they are about to be killed.

But these two people did not encounter such a thing, after all, they were just like this before, and there is no saying. Jiangning and others can not beat them all at once. It can be imagined that they must have something very important to do.

"If only I knew what they were doing! After all, if you can use blood to escape, then the matter must be extremely urgent! " At this time, Liu Mei can't help sighing. After all, she doesn't know this thing, and she also wants to know what these two people are doing for what they do.

However, in general, there are no casualties this time, which is good. After all, at that time, if we continue to fight, we still don't know who will lose and who will win. Moreover, there are many variables in it. For example, Jiangning was just in the beginning, if one was careless, it would be finished.

However, there is no such thing happened, so there will not be such a situation derived again, this is just Jiangning's guess.

"What now? Do you want us to find out what this frenzy is doing? " At this time, Fengying couldn't help but suggest that, after all, it would be the best if we could figure out what this race was doing. We could clearly understand what they were doing with this blood to escape.

Of course, they are not sure to have a result. After all, after using blood escape, these two people have no idea where to go. Maybe they are both Ju people who have migrated, which is not certain.

"Well, it's not clear now! There is another point, that is, we still have to stay here now Jiangning said this, the face can not help but show the color of worry, because at the beginning, he had a feeling, that is, the feeling of extreme danger.

Although he never believed in his own feelings, he could not get rid of this bondage at this moment. After all, after all, after a strange feeling appeared at some specific time, he should not do anything. If he did, something would happen, which is self-evident!"Well, since you have said that, we will not act!"

At this time, several women have their own thoughts. They are thinking, what is this time, these two people will use blood to escape. After all, ordinary people will not use this skill, because it is too harmful to their body.

In addition, they also felt that there must be something fishy about it. After all, it is impossible for them to leave suddenly during the battle and then ignore the enemy.

But no matter what they think, they can't think of any reason. As for Jiangning, there are not so many things about Jiangning. After all, Jiangning will stick to its original intention in any case, and will never let anything affect itself. And in this, Jiangning also has a duty, that is, to protect the stone clan People are coming.

Once he left the stone clan, and the two returned again, it would be a complete end. ..

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