So, this green Wolf leader, that is absolutely can't let go!

The green Wolf leader, who is blind, has a straight-line decline in combat effectiveness. After all, he has no vision. Although he has a sense of smell, it is different from the vision. Therefore, in the process of fighting with Jiangning, he is directly killed by Jiangning to thunder, and the blood is flowing continuously on the ground.

After finishing the killing, things in the field have been announced to an end. After all, some other monsters have disappeared, and those nearby have not been peeping at again.

"So simple, kill the leader of the green Wolf?" At this time, Liu Mei came over and asked in disbelief.

Just now she has been looking in the eyes, did not expect Jiangning's strength is so strong, directly is to kill this green Wolf leader.

She has also tried, but if she wants to kill this green Wolf leader, there will be no chance at all, and it is also impossible. However, the impossible things fall on Jiangning, and it has become so easy.

For example, when a child climbs a hillside, sometimes he feels very difficult. He can't climb it any way he wants. But if an adult comes, he will go up the hillside directly.

Therefore, now Liumei only feels her own strength, just a child's strength, while Jiangning's is an adult's strength, which is beyond doubt.

Jiangning laughed, patted the dust on his hand and said, "how long do you want to be? How much more complicated do you want? "

Speaking of this, he couldn't help turning his head and looking at the moon and wind shadow on one side, he said: "you don't have to think too much about the progress of Liu Mei's strength. That's a good thing. We should celebrate for her! And I can tell you that if willow eyebrow cultivates that upgraded spirit tree, it will be extremely feasible

"At that time, there may be feedback once a year to improve their strength. Even after receiving feedback, their strength can be improved by a leap of quality. This is what you need to know now. So your task is to cooperate with Liumei to do things. As long as she unties this source, the other one will be improved It's no longer a problem. "

After hearing this, Feng Ying and yue'er are all smiling.

In fact, in their view, Liumei is already strong, but they still can't be strong, and they will have a bit of a knot in their heart. But in this case, as long as Liumei successfully completes the upgraded version of the spirit tree, then it will be able to enhance their strength to a very high level.

Now that the two girls have understood this, they have no worries. After all, Liumei has a deep research on Lingshu, which is something Jiangning and they don't know.

As long as Liu Mei is given a little time, maybe it can be done. When the strength of their whole staff will be improved, it will be in this place that they can explore better.

After this time, they are also aware of the danger, but simply encounter a small opportunity, it is so dangerous, if encounter those adverse opportunities, it will be how dangerous, which they dare not guess.

After all, some things, only experienced, will understand, if not, it will not know how dangerous some things are.

"Now let's take a rest on the spot and wait for my strength to recover completely, and then we will move forward again!" Jiangning pondered for a moment and then said.

In order to help Liu Mei untie the poison, he had already overdrawn his own strength. Although he had just recovered a little, it was just that. He could only let him clean up some monsters. If he met the second wave again, it would be a bit difficult to do.

And in this place, every step is dangerous. If you don't recover your strength, once you encounter danger, you will be unable to resist it. He knows this very well. Therefore, at any time, it is necessary to maintain your own strength in a peak state. Only in the peak state, then can we There will be an opportunity to get rid of the danger when encountering danger.

There is no accident. At this time, the three women are also protecting the Dharma for Jiangning. After all, they also understand the strength of Jiangning. It will take some time for them to return to the peak. Therefore, they are also regarded as a Dharma protector. As long as Jiangning's strength is perfect, when it is in danger, Jiangning can have Jiangning It's on the front.

After all, when they meet Jiang Ning, they still can't stand up to their own strength. After all, they can't stand up to one of the three things they need.

But fortunately, Jiangning in what things, it can be a person to deal with.In the Dharma protection, Liu Mei also took out the upgraded version of the spirit tree. As soon as it is taken out, it immediately overflows with aura. It emits a strong aura, which makes people feel comfortable. In addition, human cells are also active along with it.

When Feng Ying and Yue Er realized the situation, they could not help but look at each other's eyes and see the color of shock.

When they were in the spirit clan, they also felt the feedback from the spirit tree in the past ten years, but they were not so strong as they are now. We can see how powerful it will be if it is really fed back. This is something Jiangning can't know.

During this period, they did not disturb Liu Mei either. They gave Liu Mei a free time to study this spirit tree. As long as the research is thorough, it will give them a chance to improve.

As for Jiangning, at this time, it is also in the process of continuous recovery. Now, although it is said that it has not really recovered to the peak state, it is also slowly rising. And in this, Jiangning's strength seems to have made progress, which is beyond doubt.

In fact, Jiangning is also aware of his current state, can be said to be better than before. ..

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