If a person is often on the verge of collapse, then if he does not collapse, he will be able to directly enhance his own strength, which is beyond doubt.

After all, after experiencing some things, people's mind will become stronger, so this is not a problem to be said. It can even be said that, if nothing else happens here, Jiangning's strength may be much stronger than before. After all, from his rolling breath, you can see it.

There is another point. At this time, Jiangning seems to be absorbing the beneficial breath from the spirit tree, and then it is constantly inhaled into her body to supplement, because the three women can observe that the breath of that spiritual tree is rolling away in the direction of Jiangning.

When they saw this situation, they couldn't help but look shocked, because they could detect that Jiangning's breath in it was constantly growing stronger. Even so, it could be said that here, it was like riding a rocket. The breath was constantly powerful. Although it did not improve its own strength, it was powerful The breath, however, is already full of the whole field.

This scene is extremely shocked by Yueer and Fengying.

At this time, they also can't help but sit on the ground, and then sit up, just like Jiangning.

As for Liu Mei, she is not like Jiangning and others. She is still studying the spirit tree. Even if she knows that sitting down and absorbing the breath of the spirit tree will help her improve her strength, she will not do so because she needs a person to protect the Dharma in the field. If there is any other danger, she can stop it immediately 。

This does not need other people to say, Liu Mei can be very smart to do it, after all, her strength now, has reached a bottleneck, just like a balloon, has reached a certain degree, if it is absorbed again, instead of changing it, it will explode, so at this time, she can not be like a ghost And others continue to strengthen their own strength.

But anyway, she did what she was supposed to do.

There is no accident. During this period, Jiangning's promotion is naturally the most powerful. Even Liumei is moved at this time, because the breath released by Jiangning is called "strong", which is a state that other people can't match.

It is just like this, so that the wind shadow and moon on one side have no so much breath to absorb, only a small part of them into their bodies, but Rao is so. For both of them, it is also a very powerful moistening. After all, it can be clearly noticed that the breath of these two people is also slowly rising.

Breath, represents a person's strength! If there is a strong breath, a strong spirit, then it will be able to have a very strong strength, this is no doubt, so when Liumei realized that the wind shadow and the breath of the moon are becoming stronger, her face also showed a smile.

Although her strength is not improved, she is also very happy. As long as the strength of her team members is improved, they will be able to face a lot of things. At that time, there is no need to be afraid of other dangers. This is self-evident.

As for Jiangning's words, now she is not aware of it. After all, Jiangning's strength is much higher than her. Although she has her own unique skills, she can't do it.

It's impossible for a strong man to know everything about him, because the strong people have an invisible protective cover, which can isolate a lot of exploration. For example, in the Central Plains before, they may not be able to detect the strength of Gaozu.

And Gao Zu's words can also find out their strength. This is a very important thing. In the face of some people who can't see clearly, they must be extremely powerful. Therefore, there is a comparison between these problems.

There is no accident. When all three of them are sitting up, there is no danger. After all, the breath from this place is too strong. If there is no powerful monster nearby, you dare not come here. Even if you notice this strong breath, you should escape quickly Up, not to mention Jiangning and others.

This is very good for the four in the field!

But in this, willow eyebrow is unable to study out this one spirit tree, which makes her extremely depressed.

In the spirit clan, she can study it at will, but in this case, it is impossible to find out. After all, it is an upgraded version of the spirit tree, but she is not in a hurry to study it. After all, the more mysterious things are, the more difficult it is to study. She is very clear about this, so in this, she also let go Down, it's directly to protect the three people in the starting stage.One of her gave up the research on this upgraded version of the tree, Jiangning immediately came to realize, and then asked Liu Mei directly, "what is just a very beneficial breath to the human body to be active?"

"It's the breath of the upgraded version of the tree!" Liu Mei pointed to the tree on the ground, and said with a smile on his face.

"It's no wonder that's why!" Jiangning saw this upgraded version of the tree, suddenly realized that, after all, this kind of thing, it is very useful for the body, can say if there is no accident, every time the spirit of escape, it is to them have a significant promotion.

After all, Jiangning has been upgrading a small level at this time. Although he can not enter the next realm, his strength has also been strong. If he could not fight the leader of the wolf before, then now, he can already achieve the battle victory.

Although it will be a little difficult, but he has his own confidence, so in this, he can do a lot of other things come, this is undoubtedly. ..

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