"I don't think so." At this time, Jiangning's eyebrows could not help wrinkling. If another person said that he was willing to open, he would not believe anything. However, Liu Mei's words had to believe three points. After all, Liu Mei's special skills and skills were very powerful in distinguishing other breath.

As for Fengying and Yueer, they have no strength of Liumei. After all, their strength is just ordinary. It can even be said that if other major events happen here, Jiangning will carry them by themselves. Other people can't carry them down. After all, Jiangning's strength has reached a certain level Here it is.

"I don't know. I just have such an intuition anyway! But I hope it's not true. If it's true, it's going to be a complete disaster! " Liu Mei also shakes her head. Under Jiangning's questioning again, she doesn't know the truth of the matter. After all, she knows that her own strength is just ordinary at this time. If she really feels wrong, it will be a great blow to the team.

Sometimes, a person's feeling is that it will change the general direction of a team, and there will be absolutely no other things to happen here. So Liu Mei is not sure at this moment. It matters a lot. Sometimes I can't believe it completely. After all, it belongs to the place of death. Everything can happen here 。

"It's OK. Let's move on." Jiangning shook his head, and then said to the three girls that he walked in front of him alone. Even if something happened, he could quickly solve it. After all, he knew his own strength very well.

If other people were in front of him, Jiangning would not have peace of mind. After all, any other woman's strength was just ordinary, and could not be compared with him. After all, he was in the Central Plains, and he was the first person to come.

"Well! I hope everything is well Liu Mei also prayed at this time. After all, she was a little uncertain about these things, but in fact, she still believed in herself. Her skill was only known by herself. There was no need to say about the accuracy. Even some very small things could be sensed by her.

It's just for the sake of the team. He doesn't fight with his teammates. If this happens, they will not be members of a team, and they will be separated. In some specific things, sometimes, it will be very possible.

Originally, I thought that there would not be any strong people in this. After all, their strength has reached a certain level, and there will be no fear of anyone they meet. However, Jiangning did not expect that when he and others went deep down, they met a strong team directly.

This powerful team is composed of five people, and the breath of each of them is incomparably strong. Their height is extremely high. Moreover, Jiangning can feel a bloody breath from their bodies. It is obvious that these five people have been stained with a lot of blood, otherwise, there will be no such bloody gas Interest.

There is another point, that is, everyone in this may have been transformed by monsters. After all, their strength and breath are a little bit different, and they are all so powerful. There is no doubt about this.

When Jiangning and others found these five people, they also found Jiangning and others. Their eyebrows were slightly wrinkled at this moment, and then everyone released a strong breath.

Jiangning's face changed slightly, and then he stopped to look at the five men. At the same time, he was also feeling the breath of the five people. If there was no fighting, it would be the best thing. But if there was a battle and he could not solve it, then Jiangning would not have any fear.

Although it is said that the strength of these five people is so strong, if Jiangning really wants to be fierce, there will be no fear of saying that. Even so, before that time, Jiangning will never admit defeat. Often, he can handle things by himself, so there will be absolutely no other people involved in it.

"Who are you, where are you from, and where are you going?" At this time, the leader asked coldly. His face and voice are extremely cold, and even can be said, if not a little far away, he may have been covered with a layer of frost.

After all, a person's breath can affect all things around him. Therefore, when Jiangning is facing these people, he will not have any fear at the moment, because in the conversation, the opposite people have already shown such strong power, which is no wonder he is like this.

"You don't care where I come from and where I go. You go your own way, we go our way, and everyone doesn't care about each other. Isn't it better?" Jiangning also sneered at the moment, said coldly.Life in the world, if you are afraid of others all your life, you don't need to say, and you won't have the strength to live to this time. Therefore, Jiangning will not stick cold buttocks with a hot face at this point. You should be real and honest, and you will not be affected by all other factors.

The leader, after hearing Jiangning's sneer, was angry. He never felt that there would be such a person talking to him in this place of death. This is not giving him face at all.

But in fact, he doesn't know that his words have betrayed himself. Since you can't respect others, why do you let others respect you?

This is Jiangning's practice. When you can respect others, Jiangning will not say a word, but respect you directly. If you don't know how to be funny and think that you are the biggest, then you are sorry. I will also use color. This is not to be said. ..

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