In this world, there will be such a thing, if you do not respect others, then others will not respect you at all, after all, this world is an equal world, it is impossible to appear before the strong supremacy of the truth.

However, anyway, Jiangning has such strength. If Jiangning does not have such strength, it will not dare to compete with no one in the field. After all, their strength is extremely strong, and even can be said to have crushed their team. After all, the breath from everyone else is Extremely terrible, and Jiangning on this side, that is, only Jiangning itself can have such a powerful power.

As for the three women, their strength is just average. If they encounter a strong team, it will be a thorough problem. After all, they have not experienced a lot of things. If they fight, they have not experienced any more. All the dangers are borne by Jiangning alone, so in this respect They're going to be a lot worse.

The leader on the opposite side had never thought that Jiangning would be so strong. For a time, he was a little unaccustomed to it. No matter what kind of place they arrived at, the five of them would be respected. Even if they went to any place, they would contribute the most beautiful things in their own race Come on.

Not for others, because they have such strength, and they come in a team of five people. But now, on the contrary, Jiangning and others simply do not give them this face, and they just want to pick them up. This is something they never thought of.

"You want to die, don't you?" At this moment, the leader's breath burst out directly, and everything in the field flew up in succession, as if it were a precursor of the end of the world. Not only that, but also there were many trees uprooted, like the omen of entering a ruins.

The other four people, they also sent out a breath of terror, everyone's breath at this time has risen to a very strong point, if Jiangning's strength is not so strong, it is almost finished. After all, here, he can resist the breath of these five people, not let the breath impact on his side of the three Here comes the woman.

But at this time, the three women's faces changed. For no reason, because they felt a very uncomfortable breath to suppress them. If they were not careful, they would completely bury their own lives, and their faces were also afraid.

"Jiangning, let's go and ignore them!" At this time, Liu Mei is a little worried about Jiangning. After all, Jiangning's strength is pretty good, but it's obviously not a good state to face these five people. After all, the breath of each of these five people can be compared with Jiangning. If there is a real war, one person can stop the three girls.

At that time, Jiangning will face four masters by himself. There is no doubt about this, so Liu Mei is extremely worried about it.

"It's OK. They can't do anything about me yet!" Jiangning said this, his face can not help but show a confident smile, not for other, because in this, he has been the luck of the body, there will be no danger, and he also believe in his own strength, if met with other things, then his luck can completely offset a lot of part of the danger, this is no doubt Yes.

"It's not that I want to die, but you don't know how to respect people, so you can't blame me for this! If you don't like me, then you can speak with your strength, and I won't be afraid of you Jiangning said that he couldn't help but sneer. No matter where he was, he was afraid, but he would never humbly plead with others like a pug.

And in this, Jiangning also felt that he would not necessarily lose to these five people. Although the strength of these five people is good, but his own outbreak is absolutely unparalleled. If compared, who might win, that is still an unknown! Therefore, Jiangning will never have any fear here.

No matter what a person is doing, as long as he is not afraid of death and can't die at that time, then there must be progress. If a person is always greedy for life and afraid of death, even if it is a great opportunity for you, there will be no saying. If the end is here, not everyone can have such effect.

"In that case, you are welcome!" The leader said, directly and fiercely, and then said in a cold voice to another: "come on, let me see how strong you are!"

After the words fell, the man immediately waved to the other four people. After a while, he only saw the other four people. They burst out their most powerful breath in succession. It is even undeniable that they still have an extremely strong pressure.But Jiangning will not be afraid of all this, because Jiangning can resist four people at this time. Although the attack of these four people is relatively strong, Jiangning will not have any fear at all.

Everyone's strength is released at this time. Not only that, Jiangning is also in this, which directly shows his strongest strength, because he knows that these four people will not have any mercy, so he has already shown his strongest strength.

As for the three women, they also left the scope of the battle at this time, because they knew very well that they could not get involved in these battles at all. If one of them was affected, there would be a thorough big problem. Even they understood that if there was no accident, Jiangning would not have any questions It's a question of.

From the beginning to the end, Jiangning is impossible to put themselves in a dangerous situation, so they have absolute confidence in Jiangning, and even can be said that they hope Jiangning alone can control the overall situation. ..

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