These bandits began to scream, and some bandits were burned on the spot by the red flame.

"What is this? It's terrible. It's still spraying fire from the sky to attack us."

A frightened bandit leader looked at Qinglong and said, while a nearby bandit immediately said to him, "master, do you look like a dragon? It's so much like it.

The bandit leader immediately looked up at the green dragon and said loudly, "brothers, hide quickly. It's a green dragon, and you see that green dragon is really big. It seems that we need to evacuate quickly when we think of such a mysterious thing appearing here."

After the bandit leader said this to his brother, he began to run behind him alone, and his brother followed him back.

The bandit in charge in the distance looked at the bandits and began to run back. He said to the two or three heads next to him, "you guys go and see what's going on and why our brothers are running back."

"Yes, boss, I'll go and have a look now. If those are deserters, I'll kill those who escape with my own hands, so as not to affect the morale of the army."

The leader of the bandit said to the third leader, "well, I believe our brother can't escape. It seems that something really happened."

After that, the three in charge got on a black horse and began to run to the front.

The three in charge of the family just came to the bandits who escaped, and then said to the bandits, "you are so brave that you dare to escape. It seems that you want to die."

"Three masters, run quickly. Look, there is a strong man in front of us, and he also takes a dragon to fight with him. It seems that we will be defeated and will be left dead."

"What! How dare you talk nonsense to me here and disturb the morale of the army here."

The third leader took out a foreign gun and shot the bandit, who died on the ground.

When the other bandits saw the bandit in the end, they were very afraid and said to the third leader: "there are really strong characters in front of the third leader. Why don't you go and have a look."

The third leader of the bandits looked at the bandits. He was really scared. He said to the bandits, "well, I don't believe what you said about strong characters and dragons. It seems that you are afraid of officers and soldiers!"

After that, the three masters rushed forward quickly, and the other bandits had no choice but to follow the three masters back to the front line.

At that time, Jiangning kept killing these bandits, and Qinglong kept spraying red flames towards these bandits.

Jiangning said to the bandits, "if you still don't know my strength today, you will all die here."

These bandits have been foolish. They have never met such a figure as Jiangning, so they don't know what to say, and they still keep shouting to kill.

The third leader came to Jiangning and saw Jiangning cutting and killing the bandits. He got off his horse in a rage and began to walk towards Jiangning.

"Boy, what the hell are you and why are you against me?"

Jiangning turned around and saw that the bandit was dressed differently from other bandits, so he stopped and said to the bandit, "since you bandits dare to attack the county, it seems that you are really looking for death, and you bandits still bully the people. It seems that today I want you to feel the power of uncle Jiang."

The third leader of the bandits also quickly pulled out his big knife, and then began to attack Jiangning without saying a word.

Seeing that the bandit attacked him, Jiangning kicked the three headed bandit directly to the ground more than ten meters away.

The third leader of the bandit saw that his broadsword had been kicked in two by Jiangning, and he screamed in pain on the ground.

"What the hell are you? Are you sent by the Qing army?"

Jiangning smiled at the third leader of the bandit and said, "you still have a dog life. Now hurry to take your bandits and leave here. Otherwise, Jiangning will not forgive you."

The third leader of the bandit said in his heart: "this man looks really unusual. He dares to fight more than 10000 of us alone. It seems that he should report to the boss immediately. Otherwise, all of us will die here.

"Hero, we will withdraw now. I hope you won't kill us. We won't come here in the future“

Jiangning looked at the bandits and said to them, "well, now I don't want to kill you, so now you should leave here quickly, but as long as I Jiangning know you still want to pay attention to the county, I will certainly kill you all“

At this time, the third leader of the bandits got up and began to order the bandits around him: "withdraw all troops, withdraw all troops, and tell the big leader that we won't attack here now“

After that, the two bandit soldiers picked up the three leaders of the bandit and began to flee, while the other bandits saw that their three leaders began to be defeated by Jiangning, and now they all fled, so they began to evacuate behind him.

The big leader in the distance looked at the third leader who was supported by two people and said, "what's the situation? You've been beaten like this“

"Let's evacuate quickly. An expert appeared in front of us, and he fought all of us alone, but defeated us. If we don't evacuate now, we are likely to be wiped out here“

As soon as the Master heard that there was an expert, he was afraid and said to the military division next to him: "military, look at the current situation, do we want to evacuate“

A bearded man with a long face walked up to the master and said to the master: "the master's card has been beaten like this. It seems that we should listen to the master's words and evacuate first. Anyway, we still have time. We'll attack here at that time“

As soon as the leader heard that his military division said to evacuate, he began to say to the bandits next to him: "brothers, listen to the military division. We will evacuate the whole army now. Anyway, keep the green mountains and don't be afraid of no firewood.", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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