Other small bandits began to walk back when they heard their leader say to evacuate.

At this time, Jiangning was standing outside the city gate alone. At this moment, the green dragon who was still breathing fire suddenly became a Bruce Lee floating on Jiangning's shoulder, and then gently said to Jiangning: "master, it seems that these bandits have been afraid of us, and your bandits have begun to evacuate."

Jiangning said to Bruce Lee, "this time, thanks to Bruce Lee, ha, just now when I was doing my work, you kept covering for me. It seems that you are the real work this time."

Bruce Lee suddenly turned into a human shape at this time, and Jiangning saw Bruce Lee become a beautiful girl in front of Jiangning.

"Bruce Lee, you have become a human. It's really perfect."

Bruce Lee looked at Jiangning in surprise, then said to Jiangning, "master, I can be the same as you now, but I'm a girl now. In the future, if the master has any help, just ask me for help, and I can accompany him 24 hours.

Jiangning is really a little bit of that after listening to this, but it's good. In this way, he also has a people who can talk. You know, Jiangning hasn't thought of such a company when he came to this world, but now it seems that he is not so lonely, and he still has an apprentice here.

"Shifu, you are so awesome. You defeated so many bandits alone and fled. It seems that Shifu, you are really a divine man“

Li Erwu took the Qing army to solve the bandits in the city and came to Jiangning. Moreover, all the bandits outside the city gate had fled, leaving Jiangning and Bruce Lee.

"Li Erwu, what is this? Have the bandits in the city been solved now?"

Li Erwu said to Jiangning, "master, there are no bandits in the city now, and now all the people in the city have gone home, and no one has been injured."

Jiangning said to Li Erwu, "what about General Yang now?"

Li Erwu said to Jiangning, "master, now general Yang is in the city to welcome you back to the city. He also said he would celebrate for you."

Li Erwu turned his eyes to Bruce Lee, because when Jiangning came, canon was the only one. Bruce Lee appeared in this battle, so Li Erwu looked at Bruce Lee curiously. Bruce Lee was originally very beautiful. As a man, Li Erwu had to look at Bruce Lee more.

"Well, now go back to the city. There's Erwu. Let me introduce you. This is my Bruce Lee."

Bruce Lee looked at Li Erwu and said, "Hello, Erwu, I'm the master's servant girl. My name is Long'er. You'll call me Long'er in the future!"

"Hello, Long'er. I'm Jiangning's Apprentice. Now follow me back to the city“

Jiangning, Long'er and disciple Erwu began to return to the city. At this time, Yang Yuchun met at the gate of the city and began to welcome Jiangning's return with the whole city's officers, soldiers and people.

When Jiangning came to the gate of the city, Yang Yuchun began to move forward, and then said to Jiangning, "brother Jiangning, it's not easy. You can resist ten thousand soldiers with one person's strength. It seems that Shu state outside is really blessed. Now I welcome you back to the city on behalf of the people of all Shu states outside."

At this time, Jiangning was flattered. He knew that this battle would be affirmed by Yang Yuchun and welcomed by the people of Shuzhou.

"General Yang really doesn't need those. Now as long as the people in Shuzhou can live a good life, I'm relieved, and the bandits may not come to Shuzhou to harass the people in Shuzhou for the time being."

Yang Yuchun said to Jiangning, "brother Jiangning, I'll arrange for you to meet the adults of Tianzhou mansion. I'll arrange a post for you at that time."

Jiangning just wants to get a formal official product. It seems that it must be realized this time.

"Then general Yang will be in trouble next. I also know that General Yang wants to be appreciated by the emperor, so this time I also hope to give all the credit to General Yang alone. I can do whatever I want."

"Ha ha... Brother Jiangning, you're redundant. Now it seems that you have a high position among the people of this Shu state, and I'm going to report to the imperial court to give you a Qipin, so that you can become a parent official of this Shu state in the future."

Jiangning and Yang Yuchun entered Daocheng. As soon as the people on both sides of the street saw Jiangning entering Daocheng, they began to cheer, and then kept saying, "great Xia Jiangning, great Xia Jiangning! Great Xia Jiangning!"

Jiangning has now felt that the people here have been worshipped by his battle.

In Shuzhou restaurant, Yang Yuchun and Jiangning drink together. Jiangning knows that Yang Yuchun is very ambitious. As long as such characters are used in the future, there will be more available talents in the future.

Bruce Lee also began to eat the barbecue prepared by Jiangning.

"Master, these barbecues are really delicious. It seems that I'll have a good meal today."

Jiangning said to Bruce Lee, "you can eat whatever you like today. Anyway, it's my treat tonight. You can eat anything you want."

The next day, a letter of appointment from the imperial court came from Tianzhou mansion, and Jiang Ning kept talking with Yang Yuchun about his views on these bandits in Shuzhou Yamen.

One of the housekeepers got the letter of appointment, then handed it to General Yang and said to General Yang, "Sir, this is from Tianzhou mansion, as well as the official clothes in the back."

As soon as Yang Yuchun opened the letter of appointment, he saw the word Jiangning, and then said to Jiangning, "brother Jiangning, this is the letter of appointment given to you from Tianzhou government. Now you are appointed as the parent official of Shuzhou. The official product is the seventh grade."

When Jiangning got the letter of appointment, he saw his name and said to Yang Yuchun, "then thank you very much for General Yang's help, but don't worry, I will take care of the whole Shuzhou in the future."

Yang Yuchun laughed at Jiangning and said, "brother Jiangning, I'm surprised. It was you who saved the people of Shuzhou, so you are the great benefactor of Shuzhou, and I'm a messenger, and I still have to go to Shanxi for appointment now."

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