Those wandering in the pure wild fire attribute energy are the most precious fire attributes in the minds of the heroes.

It was a thin silk book.

Silk books have no color, but they are printed in red by the fiery red characters in his books. With the light blue around them, silk books show a beautiful color of red and blue in the eyes of people.

It is a kind of intoxicating look. The most fascinating thing is that after getting this treasure, it may be as invincible as Jiangning in the world.

However, invincible in the world is tempting, but in front of this almost fatal obstacle, all the heroes feel scratching their heads.

They didn't think about it. If it wasn't for this obstacle, Jiangning would have obtained this treasure in the first time. Where else would they come to see the true face of fire virtue?

But this is how they think, because they think that Jiangning has the ability to obtain the most precious fire virtue. Water and fire are incompatible! What Jiangning practices is pure water attribute skill!

If Jiangning got this silk book, would he dare to practice? I'm afraid it won't be long before you are killed by the conflicting internal forces?

Unless Jiangning is practicing Taiji, the treasure of Wudang school! If it's Taiji, Jiangning can naturally balance the internal forces of ice and fire. However, it is obvious that what Jiangning cultivates is only the internal power of xuanbing sword, not Taiji that can accommodate everything.

Yes, in the minds of the heroes at this time, Jiangning was practicing the xuanbing sword technique of the snow country. In addition to the xuanbing sword technique, they can't imagine any other skill in this world that can make people have such terrible xuanbing internal power.

They think this way not because they have no insight, but because the existence of wood skill is too mysterious. In addition to Jiang Xiaotian and others, they don't know what they are. Maybe they have the same view as these heroes in the world. They think that Jiangning cultivates ordinary Saint level skills such as the great shift of heaven and earth and xuanbing sword.

Once upon a time, even Saint level skills became common skills? Shen Linglong, a ten square city, stands near Jiangning with a dragon Yin sword. She can't help but feel frightened at her own thoughts.

Even with the existence of the ten square cities, the holy level skill is still an unattainable skill. But in Jiangning, it seems that the great shift of heaven and earth of Saint level skill and xuanbing sword technique have become common skills? Is it because the treasure he has just acquired is the water attribute skill?

Shen Linglong can't help but doubt Jiangning's harvest in the lake before.

Everyone suspects that Jiangning has got the water attribute treasure, but so far, no one has ever seen Jiangning use the legendary water attribute treasure. The only thing that makes people's eyes open is that Jiangning's internal power of water attribute is like an abyss.

Today, wuyazi of Tianshan school is still at the edge of the lake. His existence of ten thousand years is like ice. I'm afraid that even the precious fire attribute in front of him can't be easily melted.

And even if it melted and stayed in that kind of ice for so long, wuyazi would have been dead.

Shen Linglong recalled the scene that Jiangning seemed to be teasing people at that time, allowing wuyazi to absorb internal power with Beiming magic skill. He became more and more convinced that the water attribute treasure Jiangning got was a water attribute skill close to God level!

Only in this way can Jiangning transform the internal force of the whole body into water attribute in a short time!

Shen Linglong didn't know how Jiangning learned the water attribute skill that he had never met in such a short time, and then controlled it. But she just sensed that Jiangning got the water attribute skill! This is a woman's sixth sense. Although she is a very wise woman, she also believes in her own feelings sometimes.

This kind of feeling is very strange, come so inexplicable, also come for no reason, but Shen Linglong just believes in her own intuition.

She stares at Jiangning, at this time Jiangning has frowned and starts to think about a way to capture the precious property of fire. In Shen Linglong's opinion, that Jiangning has never thought whether he is not suitable for practicing the fire attribute! Even he was still thinking with a certain attitude.

There were dozens of heroes present. Although most of them had decided to figure out a way to get the fire virtue skill, there were still a lot of people who were not in the right mind who were always staring at Jiangning. In their opinion, the relationship between Donglai and Jiangning is really abnormal! All the treasures of Tianfu in this cave can be granted to Jiangning by Lingdong. Why can't Xingyao's treasure become a gift from Lingdong to Jiangning?

That's what they think. Since the fire attribute treasure has been assigned to Jiangning, Jiangning must have a way to get the treasure! When the time comes, these dozens of people will be able to snatch the treasure from Jiangning as long as they rob Jiangning in time!

This is a few dozen masters of divination! Different from the situation in which hundreds of people besieged Jiangning before, although there were many people at that time, there were only a few top experts.

But now, here can have basically come to the ten Jue valley of all the supernatural masters! They don't think Jiangning has the ability to escape under the joint attack of so many supernatural experts.Even if they can escape, they are confident that Jiangning can leave something behind, such as the fire attribute treasure he is about to acquire.

Yes, at this time, they have recognized the treasure of fire attribute as the thing in Jiangning's bag, and the thing in Jiangning's bag is naturally the thing in their bag.

At this time, Jiangning was also thinking about the connection between the fire virtue skill and himself. He didn't think that he might be lucky enough to induce the fire virtue skill to fall from the sky. When he found out that this treasure was fire virtue skill, he had already guessed that it was Lingdong's love for him.

Otherwise, how could time be so coincidental? The best treasure of the evolution of the heaven and earth is the water virtue skill, and then the treasure of the star shining into the world is a wood skill! I'm afraid the odds are countless times lower than winning the lottery, right? ..

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