What's more, the water virtue skill is probably the most important factor to obtain this fire virtue skill! If there is anything else in the world that can subdue this manic fire virtue skill, then there is only one thing, which is the water virtue skill.

Jiangning's water virtue skill has just entered the stage, so its power is nothing. Maybe it can't subdue the fire virtue skill.

Perhaps in lingdonglai's calculation, he hoped that Jiangning would complete the cultivation of the water virtue skill in the Shijue Valley for several years, and then come to take the fire virtue skill naturally.

However, he didn't expect that Jiangning would only spend a few hours cultivating the water virtue skill which was totally different from his previous one. Moreover, Jiangning was ready to take the fire virtue skill by relying on the water virtue skill.

In fact, Jiangning also thought about whether to wait for his water virtue skill to be perfect before taking the treasure. After all, the ten Jue Valley is blessed with heaven and earth. If he practices with his talent, it can be completed within minutes.

However, this idea just rose in his heart and was quickly suppressed by him. It is not because of Jiangning's insistence, but because he has discovered that the violent to calm fire attribute energy gradually appears a little strange.

This change is very weak, if ordinary people can not find it. But Jiangning is not an ordinary person. He is a person who has the body of five virtues and has a chance to live forever.

Although he did not practice the fire virtue skill, the body of the five virtues has its own body of fire virtue. The body of fire virtue can clearly feel the weak change of fire attribute elements, no matter how weak the change is.

"This fire attribute energy, seems to be beginning to produce consciousness!"

Jiangning suddenly opened his mouth and shocked all the people present.

"Energy produces consciousness? Did you not give birth to the spirit of heaven and earth? "

"What the devil of heaven and earth! But there is a treasure here. How can we generate the spirit of heaven and earth? In my opinion, I'm afraid some evil spirits have come in! "

"Evil? But what kind of evil spirits can get in here even though the sun is so strong? "

"Whatever the devil! In short, there is something else that wants to rob us of treasure! "

All of them were well-informed experts. After Jiangning said that fire energy began to generate consciousness, they immediately analyzed the current situation.

Jiangning didn't know whether there was any evil spirit or anything else. He just felt the abnormal fluctuation of the fire attribute energy and then decided to take the treasure.

The abnormal fluctuation is very strange, and the most important thing is that it seems to be integrated with those wild fire energy. If something weird wants to rob treasure, it will be much easier than others.

Gongsun Wushuang did not know that he had become a monster in the mouth of the heroes. Perhaps it was wrong to call him Gongsun Wushuang, because he had become a member of the eternal fire energy.

However, because of his great resentment and his practice of the most Yang Zhi Gang, his soul did not dissipate for the time being, but kept a short consciousness.

When he realized that he was lured by these hateful fire energy, and then gave up himself to become a member of these fire energy, Gongsun matchless's heart was full of anger.

However, anger did not solve the problem. Gongsun Wushuang soon calmed down and began to analyze his current situation. To his dismay, the situation seemed even more tragic, because he could feel the annihilation of the fire attribute treasure not far away.

It was a peaceful, induced annihilation like the previous fire attribute energy. This annihilation just wanted to erase all Gongsun's unparalleled consciousness and make it a member of the real treasure protecting energy.

Gongsun matchless is also a master of divination. All of a sudden, he lost all his accomplishments and lost his life. He had already felt incomparable anger. At this time, even his soul was annihilated. Naturally, he would not wait to die.

With a strong unwillingness, Gongsun rushes into the side of the treasure he craves incomparably before. At Zhibao's side, he found countless pure and more advanced fire attribute energy, and also found a lot of meteorites escorting Baolai to the world.

In addition to these, it is the fire virtue skill floating in the air and reflected by the light blue fire attribute energy.

Yes, at the first moment, Gongsun matchless already understood what this treasure was.

When he saw this treasure, Gongsun's heart was full of disappointment. He thought that this time the fire attribute treasure is what kind of equipment, if so, he may also be able to force into that equipment, become an immortal spirit.

But now his last hope is so broken. What appears in front of him is not the fire attribute equipment, but the fire virtue skill which is like chicken ribs to him.

Seeing the fire virtue skill, Gongsun Wushuang even died of frustration. If he didn't die, he would be more happy to get the fire virtue skill, because for him, the fire virtue skill is everything, and the fire virtue skill which can help him cultivate the body of fire virtue must be his dream skill.However, his body has disappeared at this time, and it is useless to ask for this skill again.

"Yes! Heaven and earth

Just when Gongsun opened his heart to integrate into the whole world, he suddenly remembered a biography he had read when he was a child. The biography is not a profound martial arts secret, and there is no precious experience handed down. The only thing left is the various treasures that the biographer met in the Jianghu.

Among them, the master of that biography most highly praised is a treasure named heaven and earth oven.

The biography didn't record the function of heaven and earth oven, but it recorded how to make heaven and earth oven.

There are not many conditions, such as the environment, the materials, the spirituality, and the soul of a master who cultivates the internal skills of the highest Yang. However, no matter which point is put forward, it is possible to meet but not to be asked for. What's more, we should put these situations together? In particular, who dares to try the soul of the master who cultivates Yang internal skill?

Gongsun Wushuang thought that he would never meet the situation of refining Tiandi oven in his whole life. But now, as like as two peas, he found that these things are exactly the same as those he remembered in the world. ..

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