After killing xuzhu, Jiangning grinned grimly and opened his own water field to kill other Tianshan sect experts who were destroying volcanoes.

For Jiangning, all of them must die! Unless they give up destroying the volcano. However, it is obvious that xuzhu has expressed his attitude with his life. How can these psychic masters escape? If they escape, I am afraid that the Tianshan sect alone will not let them survive.

Of course, Xiao Feng and Duan Yu stopped at the first moment of xuzhu's death. They have nothing to do with the Tianshan sect, except for xuzhu, the youngest leader of the Tianshan sect.

Now that Xu Zhu is dead, there is no need for them to continue to fight against Jiangning for the Tianshan sect. As for revenge for xuzhu? Although Xiao Feng and Duan Yu are heroic, they are not fools. They know that Jiangning is invincible among the ten unique valleys, so how can they fight with Jiangning in this place?

Therefore, under the leadership of Xiao Feng and Xu Zhu, the beggars' sect and Dali royal family immediately withdrew from the ranks of attacking volcanoes and left shijuegu without looking back.

No one knows how many forces they are to leave the ten Jue Valley, because there are still experts in the ten Jue valley. In the periphery of Shijue Valley, there are still nearly one million elite.

"Young leader is dead!"

The people of Tianshan sect also found the death of xuzhu. A young great master's later disciple looked at Jiangning with grief and indignation. After a roar, he rushed to Jiangning like an angry God of war.

However, the impact of his violent attack on Jiangning mountain was insignificant.

This time, Jiangning is not ready to keep his hand.

Since the Tianshan school wants to cut off people's future, Jiangning will certainly not be merciful.

Tianshan sect is the holy land of Wulin, but it is so ruthless. Seeing the promising descendants of Wulin, what they want is not to help but to kill them directly. There is no need for the existence of such a holy land of Wulin, at least for Jiangning of Daming kingdom.

The kingdom of Daming is so powerful that people with a clear eye can see that the kingdom of Daming has unlimited achievements in the future. However, apart from those small scattered people in the river and lake, few of them have taken refuge in the Daming kingdom.

If not for Shi Zhixuan and Xiang Yutian, I'm afraid Daming kingdom is still a lonely family. Of course, Zhang Wuji's ability is also good, because he led the ten Jue army to March eastward and westward, and the whole Sichuan Shaanxi region was completely conquered.

This is different from the so-called "occupying the name of Sichuan Shaanxi area" in the Sichuan Shaanxi League. It is the ability to clean up the forces in Sichuan and Shaanxi area!

Sichuan Shaanxi League has occupied Sichuan and Shaanxi areas before, but I don't know how many people's big teeth have been laughed off by this title. If there are professional dentists in this era, perhaps we should also thank the Sichuan Shaanxi alliance.

At that time, perhaps only Jiangning, who did not know much about current affairs, knew that the Sichuan Shaanxi alliance was blowing the air. However, such a Sichuan Shaanxi alliance is already a big force in the world.

Today's Jiangning, after occupying all the territory of Sichuan Shaanxi alliance, has become a super power! Such forces have become the existence that people need to look up to in the rivers and lakes.

However, even if it has paid so much and grown so much, the Daming kingdom in Jiangning still suffers from so much discrimination. Whether it is shifangcheng or other top forces, or the martial arts leaders like Tianshan sect, they are deeply vigilant against the Daming Kingdom, and even sent warriors to suppress the Daming kingdom.

Jiangning always thought that the world was fair, so he worked hard after he got the system. He never gave up his original intention, nor did he lie down on his merit book to sleep. He still practiced hard and fought hard, seizing every opportunity with his life, and then Jiangning, who was now about to become a God, was long ago.

At least in the ten unique valleys, Jiangning has become a God.

Shijue Valley does not know when the sun has penetrated into it. Just after a heavy rain, a beautiful rainbow has risen in Shijue valley.

But everyone ignored the beauty of the rainbow, except Jiangning.

However, Jiangning noticed that the beautiful rainbow is just because he and the ten Jue valley have begun to merge, and the ten Jue Valley has begun to recognize the Lord.

However, Jiangning also knew that the procedure of recognizing the Lord could not continue because he saw that the volcano was about to erupt.

Such a brutal attack on the volcano, the volcano's energy can calm down strange. Moreover, Jiangning deeply knows the characteristics of fire attribute. The more attacking and suppressing, the more irritable the fire attribute is. Even if they know that the result of their explosion is death, they still have to fight back under this attack.

I'm afraid the so-called fiery temper means this kind of situation. Jiangning's personality has always been gentle, so these fire attributes rarely affect his behavior.

But when he saw these fire properties erupt, his character also erupted like that volcano.The Tianshan faction is also red eyed. Their goal has been achieved, and it is reasonable to start a strategic retreat. But none of them wanted to retreat. They all decided to start the last battle in Shijue valley.

This war may be their last stop in this life, or the last battle of the ten Jue Valley, but whether they are killed by Jiangning or destroyed by Shijue Valley, they can go at ease.

They know that they have given everything, life, talent and future for Tianshan school. They have no regrets, just like bamboo.

Since its birth, Tianshan school has been like a noble, an elegant aristocrat. This aristocrat has never met such a tough and unreasonable enemy, but now he has, and the aristocrat has lost his grace in front of this enemy. ..

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