Xuzhu experienced the last battle in shijuegu, but he was killed by Jiangning within a few decades.

However, the strength of these Tianshan sect experts can only be regarded as the average of Tianshan sect, but they still rush to Jiangning without hesitation.

They don't know whether Jiangning has the ability to prevent the eruption of volcanoes and keep shijuegu, but they are not willing to gamble. They are willing to put their lives on the mountain in exchange for the destruction of shijuegu.

Perhaps this is the first world to destroy Dongtianfudi since the birth of Dongtianfudi, and the Tianshan sect has obviously become the first force in the world to destroy Dongtianfudi, and they are also likely to succeed.

The volcano is still erupting in small streams. As everyone knows, this is just the precursor of a large-scale eruption. Shijuegu may be destroyed soon.

Among the ten Jue valleys, all the forces began to withdraw their masters from the ten Jue Valley, or even several decades away from the ten Jue valley.

Only those who know the rules stay here.

The destruction of Shijue valley will definitely cause terrible energy fluctuation. But this energy fluctuation is aimless and random. For them, this kind of fluctuation is easy to dodge.

They are obviously willing to take a little risk to stay, compared with the appalling duel to be seen.

Shen Linglong also at this time back to the force of ten square city, which has only left five people. She looked at these old guys with a smile, shook her head and said, "it's really disappointing that no one has followed Shen Linglong to fight."

"Are you moving closer to the Daming Kingdom and declaring war on the Tianshan sect?"

A supreme elder looks at Shen Linglong.

His eyes are muddy, but Shen Linglong sees a small dragon Yin sword in his eyes. Shen Linglong knows that this is because the Taishang elder's understanding of Kendo has come to an end. Maybe with just a little chance, he will be able to break through Tongshen and become a master of golden elixir.

It is reasonable to say that such a powerful elder should have made Shen Linglong feel scared, but Shen Linglong was still smiling and said, "what do you think?"

The supreme elder choked by Shen Linglong for a moment. He looked at Shen Linglong with hatred and snorted and said no more. It seems that the elder also recalled the story of Shen Linglong's mischievous childhood. At present, although Shen Linglong has grown up and become a beautiful woman, the elder still can't forget Shen Linglong's mischievous.

The elder Taishang all shut up. Other people are not qualified to direct Shen Linglong, so they all shut their mouths wisely. But they must not be so quiet in their stomach, they must be quietly planning how to force the palace Shen Linglong.

They heard about the ten elders forcing the palace, but they were suppressed by Shen Linglong with thunder. They didn't want to take more care of these things, but now Shen Linglong's butt seems to have been crooked. Naturally, they can't be so silent. At least they should let Shen Linglong see their attitude, so that Shen Linglong can't be so reckless.

They are the biggest backbone of the ten square cities, so they have some power in their words. They are confident that the Supreme Master will not tolerate Shen Linglong's mischief.

The volcano is still erupting, but the ten square city master who is present has not even moved. They know that their defense is under, but they have confidence that they can offset the energy of the ten Jue Valley, which is their confidence in their own strength.

Jiangning has already taken over with the Tianshan faction. Of course, this time, he is not alone in the battle. There are two gorgeous and beautiful men beside him.

These two men have five senses and white jade like skin like knives and axes. What they have in common with their appearance is that their strength is so amazing that the experts of Tianshan sect can't help but separate two experts to entangle them.

There are only a dozen experts who can communicate with God in Tianshan sect. When they face Jiangning, they are already under a bit of pressure. Now they are divided into two. When facing Jiangning, they feel the invincible atmosphere of Jiangning.

Jiangning's mood was soon suppressed, he calmly looked at the group of people in front of him, then laughed and stretched out his hand: "you are very good! And very brave. But since you don't want to go, never leave! "

Here, Jiangning's figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in the side of a great master's top master. A snow-white ice sword will be the head of the master's top master.

At this time, the energy of shijuegu is particularly active. Jiangning is like a fish swimming into the water. He only feels that in this ten Jue Valley, he seems to have the whole field.

This is a wonderful feeling, but also a very blind and idealistic feeling. However, Jiangning knew that his feeling was not wrong, especially when he appeared like a ghost to the unfortunate disciple of Tianshan sect, he knew that his feeling was right.

In the field, Jiangning can move at will. And in this energy irascible ten unique Valley, Jiangning also has this feeling.Just now Jiangning killed that unfortunate great master disciple is a clear proof.

According to the law, a great master and a top-notch master can feel the trace of Jiangning in any way, and even react quickly to resist such a move or two. But now the man did not know when Jiangning came to him.

Therefore, Jiangning seems to have never appeared here, and as if this disciple was his own death, he was easily attacked by Jiangning.

At this time, even half a breath, many people have not opened their eyes after blinking. By the time those people opened their eyes, the disciple's head had fallen to the ground with a ring of ice. ..

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