With all the houses around?

The sword mark...

he suddenly remembered the sword mark he saw in front of him. At first, he thought that it was left by Lin Lan.

But now, he understood it all.

It turned out to be this man.

His sword ended a tide of corpses!

"How can there be such a powerful existence in this world?"

"S class? How could he be an e? "

Huang shaotian is shocked to doubt life. The people he mocked before actually have such strength.

First, he stood still and received countless attacks from the monster.

Then, with a backhand sword, the monster was split.

"His sword has not come out of its sheath!"

He was frightened to see that Lin Fei just threw it away. The sword still had a scabbard. It was so sharp!

Bang Bang -

his heart leaped wildly, and he realized that he saw something amazing.

Is he a God?

Think back to just dare to laugh at such existence? Do you really think that life is too long?

Those two B-class, silly looking at this scene.

"How could he be so powerful?"

They swallowed their saliva fiercely. Did they dare to laugh before?

When they learned that Lin Fei was an e-level power man, they were very happy because they were not the best here.

But now, they understand.

They are still the best.

What's more, the food they think is the weakest is the most powerful one here.

What's more, it's so powerful!

Two people's bodies are constantly shaking, if you can cross time and space, you must go back and slap yourself hard.

"Are they all so strong?"

"Is there something wrong with our test?"

Huang shaotian and those two B-class are doubting life.

At this time, Lin Fei looked at the water dragon and said, "are you ok?"

The water dragon came back to his senses. No matter how many times he saw Lin Fei, he would feel shocked.

It's a powerful human force.

This is definitely SS level, or SSS level like gods!

"Can you walk?" Lin Fei asked again.

The Water Dragon nodded and stood up from the ground. His ability is to strengthen his body. These injuries are small problems.

"That's good."

Lin Fei looked at Huang shaotian again and said, "what about you? You don't mind? "

"Now that technology is so advanced, you should be able to connect your arm?"

Huang shaotian was startled.

Lin Fei was so concerned that he was flattered. At the same time, he regretted that he had laughed at such a person!

"I'm sorry." He lowered his proud head.

Lin Fei laughed and said, "you are still young, and you will make a lot of mistakes in the future. It is a good thing to know the mistakes and correct them."

Huang shaotian only felt ashamed.

"Let's go back." Lin Fei said, in fact, he wanted to get points and change bullets.

Now I have a gun in my hand, but I don't have any bullets. My heart is itching.

"Go back, yes, go back."

Huang shaotian immediately nodded. At this time, he felt that Lin Fei was shining. It was just the God of heaven coming down to earth.

He was the first to approve of what Lin Fei said.

For a moment, the pain on my hands was forgotten.

Lin Fei is right. With the development of science and technology, the severed hand can be connected.

And it's still relatively low-level.

If the conditions are enough, they can even revive the broken arm!

Back at the rally, even if Huang shaotian broke his hand, he had to hand in the task first, and then gave all the 30000 points to Lin Fei.

"It's all yours."

"We can't finish this mission without you."

Lin Fei readily accepted.

After saying goodbye to several people, he took the girl to change bullets.

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