30000 points are in the girl's card, so this time it's still the girl to change bullets.

The staff was stunned to see the girl come again.

"Bullets really can't be delivered." Said the employee.

"I'm here to change bullets." The girl glanced at the employee, took out the card and patted it on the table. She said, "change all the bullets for me."

The employee picked up the card and took a look at it. He was shocked.

"30000 points!"

This is only half a day no see, the girl got 30000 points?

What's your mission here?

Even if it is to grab, it is impossible to get 30000 points in half a day.

"Don't really think about it?" Employees feel that it is very stupid to exchange points for bullets.

It's nothing for ordinary people to change to a laser gun, because they don't have powers and can only rely on guns to protect themselves.

But a grade a bullet, it seems very stupid.

"Don't think about it." Said the girl without hesitation.

The staff had no choice but to take out the bullets. At last, some embarrassed said, "30000 points are too much. There are not so many bullets in the inventory."

The girl hesitated for a moment and then said, "change a case first."


The staff put a box of bullets on the table. It was so heavy that the table shook.

The girl went back to find Lin Fei with this box of bullets.

In fact, she was worried that the bullets were not enough.

"So many." Lin Fei took a box of bullets from the girl's hand and said, "how many points did you use?"

"Five thousand." Said the girl.

"It's really expensive." Lin Fei was distressed and said, "so many bullets are enough. The remaining points are kept. Maybe they will produce something interesting in the future."

"Is that enough?" Asked the girl.

"That's enough." Lin Fei reached out and rubbed the girl's head and said with a smile, "it's too much to use up."

"Really?" The girl said strangely.

Lin Fei smiles and puts a box of bullets into his backpack.

All right, infinite ammo!

Lin Fei said happily, "let's go out and have a try. I haven't touched anything so high-tech before."

"Thank you. I love you so much."

He hugged the girl excitedly, gave her a kiss on her pretty face, and then ran out.

Men's happiness is so simple.

A toy can be happy for most of the day.

The girl stood in place, pretty face already red, as if there was heat coming out of her head.

"Don't be surprised. Let's try the gun."

Lin Fei ran back again and ran out with the girl's hand.

Once again, they came to the block. It was still a mess, even the body of the monster was still there.

Lin Fei takes out a gun full of bullets.

"Super aim, go!"

"No backseat, start!"

"No need to change bullets, start it up!"

"The gun will last forever. Start it!"

He started all the functions of the gun one after another. Just after he started it, Lin Fei found that the gun in his hand was shaking.

Seems to be guiding him?

Lin Fei immediately relaxed a little, the laser gun immediately aimed at a direction, he hooked the trigger.

Su -

a half meter long blue laser burst out at a very fast speed. It penetrated the wall in an instant, then passed through the house and flew to the sky.

"What did you hit?"

Lin Fei takes the girl to the building.

And then there was a pursuer lying behind the pierced wall.

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