It has a blood hole the size of a fist in its head, and it can't die any more.

"This is just hit!" "Lin Fei, how do you see it?"

"It's hidden in this room, nobody can see it, and it doesn't make any sound."

Lin Fei said with a smile, "in fact, I am a sharpshooter."


The girl then said with a smile: "it must be your good luck that you hit it with a random shot."

"Smart." Ye Feng said with a smile.

Lin Fei held the gun in his hand and was very happy in his heart. As expected, there was a gun that was very cool. He wanted to take it out and kill several waves of corpses to have a try.

"Go back, go back." Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Chef, I want a big meal."

The girl immediately whitened Lin Fei. She didn't understand why Lin Fei was so happy, but she agreed.

"Good dinner, please."

However, before they got home, the girl's card suddenly lit up, and gently vibrated.

"Someone sent me a message." The girl immediately took out the card and looked at it.

There was a notice on it.

"All A-level, gather at the base, there's an emergency!"

The girl crossed out the news, then raised her head and asked Lin Fei, "do I want to go?"

"Go ahead."

Lin Fei said, "go and see what's big."

"Then you go too." The girl said, "if you don't go, I won't either."

"What's so interesting about making delicious food at a meeting?"

"I'll go too." Lin Fei smiles.

In fact, he was also curious. What was the meeting like?

Finally, Lin Fei followed the girl to a tall building.

The high building is the center of the whole assembly.

In other words, the assembly was built around this building.

In front of the door, there are heavy guards. He wants to have a lot of trouble. Ye Yuxue is A-level, so he is released, but Lin Fei is stopped.

"Show me your card, please."

At this time, the girl stood out: "I want to take him in, if he can't go in, I will leave."

The gatekeeper let Lin fly in.

Because from the beginning, they have been informed that this meeting is very important, and there must be no A-class strong people absent.

Two people came to a room, this room is not small, enough 500 square meters, is the meeting room of this building.

In the conference room, there are already several people waiting.

Lin Fei knows that only A-level or above can enter here, so don't think about it. These people are all A-level people.

"Sit anywhere." See someone come in, immediately have a naked man said.

Lin Fei takes a look at this man. Why doesn't he wear clothes?

To show the muscles?

Or is it because of powers?

But the girl did not look at him, took Lin Fei to the farthest place, one person occupied a position.

"Well, new comer, what's your name?"

The man said again: "my name is Zhang Lei, power is body strengthening, how about you?"

The girl looked at him and said, "Ye Yuxue."

"The ability is to manipulate ice and snow."

"Great powers." Zhang Lei immediately said with a smile: "with this ability, you don't need to use air conditioning."

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart. Lin Fei's eyes are bright.


"Brother, you are a genius." Ye Feng said to Zhang Lei.

"Well, my grandmother praised me for being smart when I was young." Zhang Lei is proud: "old man, you are a man of understanding." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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