It's like kicking yourself!


The sharp claws came suddenly.

Qin Tao's face changed and he could avoid the attack. However, he was caught in his chest and his blood flowed.

"Damn it." He murmured.

But before he could do it, the figure of the bull suddenly approached him with a blow.


A scream, Qin Tao is also hit by this blow fly out.

He was embarrassed to roll on the ground for several times, and finally couldn't bear it. He ejected a mouthful of blood.

The people on the wall were stunned when they saw this scene.

"How could that be possible?"

Some people murmured and couldn't believe what they saw.

"Stand up!"

Some people yell.

Qin Tao is their last hope. If Qin Tao fails, they will die!

"Stand up, you can't fall here!"

"Yes! Stand up and beat them up

More and more voices ring up, sound neat, earth shaking, shocking.

Qin Tao gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

"Step back."

Just at this moment, behind the bull and the monster, suddenly a cold voice sounded!

It's a human voice!

At this moment, everyone was stunned and looked in the direction of the voice.

The bull and the monster retreated towards the back, and a tall figure came out slowly.

It is not as tall as a bull, but it is also three meters. It has long gray hair, another eye on its forehead, and a shabby robe. Its skin is gray brown. There are many holes and abscesses on it. There are green viscous liquid sliding down.

"Hello, my dear offspring."

It came to Qin Tao and said hello with a smile.

Qin Tao subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"Who are you?"

"I said it so clearly, didn't you guess it?"

He said with a smile, "my name is Huang qiguang. I've been an S-level psionic for two days."

When he heard this, all the people's bodies trembled.

The people on the wall are OK, because they don't know the secret, but all the A-level and Qin Tao heard about it yesterday.

There used to be an S-class, but now it's gone!

Looking at the appearance of Huang qiguang in front of them, they were shocked that they had changed into this one!

"How did you become like this?"

Qin Tao asked in a trembling voice.

"Because I see the future, of course." "I have the ability to predict the future," Huang said with a smile

"Then I saw the future."

"Do you know what I saw?" Huang qiguang asked with a smile.

"What do you see?" Qin Tao asked.

"I see hell."

Huang qiguang seriously said: "I saw the hell, the real hell."

"I see the hell that man will come to one day!"

"What are you talking about?" Qin Tao asked in horror.

"There are gods in this world, and we humans have been abandoned by gods."

Huang qiguang said, "so I gave up being a man and became one of them. The gods gave me great power."

His eyes fell on Qin Tao in front of him and asked with a light smile: "you have good strength. You can join us. Are you willing now?"

"What a joke!"

Qin Tao sneered: "I just don't want to become this ugly appearance."


As soon as he roared, he hit with all his might. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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