It was a sudden punch.

However, he was still caught by Huang qiguang.

"What!" Qin Tao's pupils are shaking.

"As I just said, I've got the favor of the gods. Now that I have invincible power, how can you be my opponent?"

Huang qiguang made a slight effort on his hand.


Qin Tao's arm was directly broken by him.

"Now I ask again, do you want power?"

"If you refuse me, you will die."

As a result, Qin Tao did not hesitate.

"I promise!"

"I agree to join!"

Huang qiguang laughed: "very smart choice."

Then he let Qin Tao go, reached out and took out a piece of green meat from his abscess and handed it to Qin Tao.

"Eat it and you'll be as strong as I am."

Qin Tao didn't even think about it, so he grabbed the meat and ate it!


When the last bite of meat came down, he cried out in pain.

His body splits, the green light comes out of his body, and then grows rapidly.

But in the blink of an eye, it is a monster three meters high!


Qin Tao laughed: "I feel the power!"

"I'm stronger than ever before!"

Huang qiguang just sneered and put his eyes on the A-class in front of him.

"Although your strength is nearly, but it is still useful, so I can not kill any of you who want to join."

Few people spoke.

But there was a sound in the distance.


Li Jian jumped down from the city wall excitedly: "I join."

"I'm also A-level, I'm as strong as they are!"

Huang qiguang smiles and looks at Li Jian who runs in front of him and says, "smart choice."

Then he took out another piece of meat.

"Li Jian, you!"

Seeing this, Zhang Lei couldn't help calling him.

"Don't think I'm as stupid as you are. Who is the opponent in such a tide of corpses?"

"Only joining is the last way to live!"

He also gulped down the green meat.


Then Li Jian's body also has the green light perspective, in the twinkling of an eye, turned into a two meter high human monster!

"I'll join in!"

With Li Jian's action, more and more people jumped down from the wall.

Most of them are ordinary people.

"Kill them." However, Huang qiguang just said coldly: "a group of mole ants, gods do not need such people."

Then there was a shrill scream.


"Interesting!" Li Jian laughed: "I feel that my body is full of strength now!"

The next moment, his eyes fell on Zhang Lei.


His figure suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Zhang Lei.


Li Jianyi hits Zhang Lei in the chest and blows him out for dozens of meters.

Even the state of power blessing was knocked out by him!


Zhang Lei spurts out a mouthful of blood on the ground. His breath is like gossamer, but the only remaining will supports him not to faint.

"How are you?"

Li Jian laughed and said, "let's go together."

"Sure enough, you are no longer a human being?" Huang shaotian looks dignified.


A thunderbolt fell towards Li Jian!

"It's no use."

Li Jian laughed and raised his hand to catch the lightning!

"This also means attack?" Li Jian grinned wildly and twisted his face. He stepped up to Huang shaotian, grabbed his neck and lifted him up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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