"You just said it wrong." Lin Fei said coldly.

"What?" Li Jianyi Leng, back two steps, this person is how to return a responsibility? When did he come? Why didn't you see it just now? And how could he take his own punch?

His strength now, at least has s level!

In front of this person, how does a face calm accept this fist?

Isn't he an E-class!

"I said, you were just wrong." Ye Feng's indifferent road.

"What did I say wrong?" Li Jian frowned and asked.

"The most beautiful scenery in the world is just people's smile. How can you see the best scenery when you step on everyone's feet?"

Li Jian's face was a little ugly.

Lin Fei ignored him and looked down at the water dragon kneeling on the ground. It was too miserable.

"Can you still stand up?"


The water dragon rocked to his feet.

"Yu Xue, you take them to rest." He said.


The girl was behind him, and now she left with the water dragon.

"Who is this man?"

A group of people on the wall were stunned because Lin Fei appeared too suddenly, and he was also in pink pajamas.

"In pajamas? He just woke up? "

"Is he here to be funny?"

"Even Qin Tao lost, what's the use of him?"

They don't think Linfei can win.

"It's a shame to come here in pajamas." Some even said so.

Even Qin Tao was defeated and even betrayed them. Can Lin Fei win?

That's two S-level monsters!

"We are finished." Some people sigh, still despair in their eyes.

"Just Grade E!"

Li Jian looks ferocious: "dare to ignore me?"

"Now I will tear you up!"

The voice fell, his figure disappeared, it was a step to Lin Fei, a punch out.


Li Jian was shocked.

Because he was shocked to find that Lin Fei took the fist!

"It's impossible?"

Li Jian's face was dignified, his figure flashed again and he punched again. However, he was caught by Lin Fei!


After dozens of punches, Li Jian's face was more dignified than ever before.

"You're just an E-class, how can you block my fist?" "It's impossible!" he yelled wildly

Lin Fei just said, "the grade is not written by me. Go and ask the staff."

"In fact, I'm strong, but I don't have powers."

"You're kidding!"

Li Jian roared. At this time, he couldn't laugh at all, because he just tried his best to avoid Lin Fei.

All his attacks are blocked by Lin Fei!

Is this an E-class?

Li Jian remembers that when he was in the conference room, he also ridiculed Lin Fei.

But I didn't expect that this man was so powerful. Now the other party takes all his attacks. It's an insult!

"You piss me off!"

Li Jian roars and finally uses his power.

He slapped his hands on the ground!


The earth shakes, countless spikes rush out from the ground, straight toward Lin Fei's body.



When those spikes hit Lin Fei, they were all broken and smashed.

"Did you do your best?" Lin Fei asked.


Li Jian's pupils were shaking.

What's the matter with this man?

Why didn't even the most powerful move beat him, and even his clothes didn't break!

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