Is he still a person?

"If you don't speak, I'll think you've done your best." Lin Fei said, "it's my turn now."


Li Jian's face changed and he just wanted to escape.

But as soon as he turned around, he found that Lin Fei was standing in front of him!

"What speed is this?"

He was so scared.

Lin Fei punched Li Jian in the stomach.


In a flash, Li Jian didn't even have ash left, and disappeared in front of Lin Fei.


At this moment, the world, a dead silence.

Everyone's eyes were wide.

"Just now, what happened?"

They didn't react at all. It was too fast. In the blink of an eye, Li Jian was beaten to powder.

"How could that be possible?"

Zhang Lei lies on the ground, staring at this scene.

The man in his pajamas, he naturally recognized, was Lin Fei, who had seen him in the meeting room yesterday.

Just wanted him to run away.


What did he just see?

His Li Jian was beaten into powder by Lin Fei?

There's no ash left!

"Is he so powerful?"

"No, how could there be such a powerful man in this world?"

"Who the hell is he?"

It's not just Zhang Lei who has a lot of problems in his mind.

Anyone who sees this scene has this problem in mind!

Li Jian, who just brought them endless despair.

Unexpectedly, it's just a punch, and there's no ashes left!

And just as a group of people were shocked by the suspicion of life, Lin Fei's eyes fell on the distance, where there are several cattle, parasitic animals, and two human shaped monsters.

"That's a little familiar."

Lin Fei frowns. He always feels that there is a humanoid monster. Has he ever seen it before?

But I can't remember.

This is deadly!

He walked over there.

Huang qiguang frowned. There is something wrong with this human being. I don't remember that there are such powerful people in this gathering.


Huang qiguang called Lin Fei: "what's your name?"

"Lin Fei."

"Good name, you are so strong, come and join us." Huang qiguang bewitched Lin Fei: "join us, you are the dependents of the gods, you can get more powerful power!"


Lin Fei suddenly realized, "are you human before?"

"So joining you makes you so ugly, right?"

Huang qiguang said with a smile: "in order to get strength, what is a mere appearance?"


Lin Fei said, "I feel that I'm already very strong. I don't need any strength."

"I just need one opponent now."

He said: "why don't you call out the gods? I want to see how strong he is. Maybe he is an opponent."


There was a flash of cold light in Huang qiguang's eyes.

Boom and boom -

there are three bulls standing in front of Lin Fei.

"Let him understand how weak he is..."

Huang qiguang's words suddenly stopped, as if he were suddenly stuck in the neck, shocked and speechless.

Because he clearly saw that the three bulls, without holding on for a second, exploded.

Lin Fei is just a punch!

That row of three cattle, all died!

"What did you just want to say?" Lin Fei asked, just now the bull is too noisy, did not hear clearly.


Qin Tao laughed: "you seem to be qualified to be my opponent."

He strode towards Lin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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