"Just eat."

The girl covered her mouth with a smile and said, "I'm going to make what you like right away."

The end of life is a terrible thing.

Moreover, the girl has to deal with the bull the next day. If other powers are allowed to do it, she can't sleep all night.

But the girl was calm.

Because for a while, she really didn't live in the end of life.

And at the thought of having Lin Fei around, she was filled with a sense of security.

This evening, the girl made Lin Fei his favorite kung pao chicken, golden crisp fried tofu, fish flavored eggplant and braised fish.

Rice is Lin Fei's favorite fried rice with eggs.

The soup is also Lin Fei's favorite fish soup.

"If I'm fat and nobody wants it, you're responsible for me." Lin Fei said with a smile that the attractive fragrance could be smelled from a distance.

It seems that the girl's craft has improved.

"Good." The girl agreed with a smile.

After dinner, while waiting for the water to boil, the girl sat on the balcony with Lin Fei to see the scenery.

But now is the end of the world, where there is always the charming scenery.

The sky was heavy.

"It looks like rain tomorrow." Lin Fei said.

"I don't think so."

The girl looked up at the sky and frowned slightly, hoping that it would not rain tomorrow.

Lin Fei subconsciously took out his mobile phone and wanted to see the weather forecast.

But after seeing no signal, I realized that my mobile phone was useless here.

"What is this?"

The girl has seen the mobile phone several times, but she doesn't know what it is. She is always very curious.

"Cell phones." Lin Fei said.

"Cell phone?"

The girl's face puzzled: "how is your mobile phone like this? That's a big piece. "

"What's your mobile phone like?" Lin Fei asked.

"My cell phone is broken."

The girl was a little sad and said, "then I threw it away. Now I don't have a mobile phone."

"Can I see your cell phone?" Asked the girl.

"Here you are."

She took the mobile phone from Lin Fei's hand, and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more strange it was: "this mobile phone is too big and fast. It looks so strange."

Then click on the screen. There is no lock on it.

"Why don't you set the lock?" The girl asked curiously.

"Who would look at my cell phone?" Lin Fei said.


The girl began to look at the software above. She didn't see any of them. She felt more and more strange.

"It's strange."

"My phone is too old." Lin Fei said that he knew very well that compared with the current mobile phone, he didn't know how many generations were worse.

Maybe the systems are different.

"I don't understand." The girl glanced at the photo album, and finally returned her mobile phone to Lin Fei, saying, "the water is boiling. I'm going to take a bath."

At this time, Lin Fei doesn't know that the girl has been staring at his photo album.

Lin Fei takes a look at the mobile phone, and the light is still slow. Maybe it's the reason for the modifier. Now even the power of the mobile phone can't be used up!

The next morning.

She picked up the photo album and opened the photo album.


Ye Yuxue feels very strange, why is Lin Fei's mobile photo album empty?

"Is it hidden?"

She put down her mobile phone and thought that she would ask Lin Fei for help and went into the kitchen.

The girl is in a good mood, because today she is going to challenge the bull. What once brought her despair is that today, she will defeat it!

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