"I'm really getting stronger." She sighed.

At the same time, I knew that this change was given by Lin Fei.

If she had not met Lin Fei, she would have died in the old warehouse.

After breakfast, Lin Fei looked up at the sky and was still somber.

"It's going to rain."

She was eager to see the rain on her face


The girl nodded heavily.

Lin Fei takes the girl's waist and leaves the villa. He starts perspective and looks for the bull in the city.

After flying a long distance, he finally found a bull.

It's hovering in front of a supermarket.

"Throw me down." "I'll be fine," said the girl

Listening to the girl's confident words, Lin Fei did not doubt and let go of her arm.

Su -

I saw the girl dressed in white and fell from the sky like a fairy from nine days.

With a wave of her jade hand, a slope made of ice appeared below. She stepped on the slope to avoid falling injury.

"Ice arrow!"

The cold light in Ye Yuxue's beautiful eyes flashed by, and many ice cubes were solidified around him, and then they all burst out.

The bull hasn't responded yet!

Poop poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo poo!

That ice cream actually pierced the skin of the bull, went deep into its body, and the green blood gushed out constantly!

At this time, the bull finally reacted.

A roar is like a tank rolling.

"Just in time."

The girl smiles coldly and lifts her right hand.


In an instant, the ice condenses and extends from the ground, like a thorn in the ground, towards the bull thorn!


Another sound.

The ground spike itself is very fast, and the bull still rushes like a tank. At this moment, it bumps into the ice thorn and is penetrated on the spot. A bucket sized blood hole appears in the chest.


With a hard blow from the bull, the ice exploded on the spot.

The next moment, the bull body flash, has come to the girl's side.

The girl was not alarmed, for this was what she expected.


I saw her left hand a Yang, side is a sudden stand up a meter thick ice wall, above is also full of sharp ice thorn.

The punch of the bull just broke the ice wall.

But its arm, is this dense ice thorn to penetrate, in an instant blood spatter.

"You are dead."

The girl's right hand caught in the void, and a sword made of ice solidified.

I saw her right hand holding the sword, jumped up and stabbed into the body of the bull!

The bull roared and hit the girl in the head.

At this time, the girl's eyes twinkled with cold blue light.

Click and rub -

the body of the bull began to freeze from the inside out!

That's because the girl uses the power to pass it with the help of ice sword, so that all the water in the body of the bull is frozen!

The speed of ice spreading is very fast.

The bull's fist is only half a meter away from the girl, but it can't move forward any more.

Because at this moment, it's completely frozen!

A five meter high ice sculpture!

The girl let go and jumped down from the bull and patted the dust that didn't exist on her hand.


There was a loud noise behind him.

Huge bull, in this huge noise into countless pieces of ice!

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