
At this time, Yang Hao's eyes fell on Lin Fei.

After all, this man is with the girl, Yang Hao had to pay attention to it, but it seems that these two people should be brothers and sisters and so on.

So he asked, "what's your name?"

There's no tenderness for girls at all.

"Lin Fei."

"What power do you have?" Yang Hao asked.

Lin Fei hesitated and said, "I don't have powers."

Sure enough, with the fall of his voice, a line of several people are slightly stunned.


The boy grew up and couldn't believe: "you don't have powers?"

"No Lin Fei tells the truth.

"That's too bad." The boy sighed and said, "you can live to now, it must be because of Ye Yuxue."

Lin Fei thought about it and nodded seriously. In a sense, it was Ye Yuxue who raised himself to the present.

Although he thought his cooking was very good.

But compared with a girl.

After all, it's still too much. If you can't eat the rice made by the girl in the future?

It's deadly.

Lin Fei didn't dare to think about it.

Yang Hao disdains to smile. Originally, he was worried about the intimate relationship between them, but now he is not worried at all.

Who would like a trash?

He sighed and said, "you can hide behind me. I will protect you. Who makes you a friend of Ye Yuxue?"

As a result, the girl said seriously: "you are wrong."


Yang Hao a Leng, puzzled asked: "what did I say wrong?"

"He's not my friend." Said the girl.

Yang Hao immediately gave a surprise look on his face, so he has a bigger chance?

For a moment, he felt like he was in heaven.

But the next moment.

The girl said, "he is my boyfriend."

In a flash, Yang Hao's whole body froze, as if suddenly struck by lightning, and his smile on his face completely solidified.

He felt that heaven became dark in an instant.

The devil is laughing.

Here and there is paradise? Hell!

"This..." Yang Hao said with an embarrassed smile: "are you kidding? Where is he worthy of you? "

The girl took Lin Fei's arm and said, "I am not worthy of him."

At this moment, the smile on Yang Hao's face was really stiff.

Today, I went to look for food and met a lovely girl, which should be two happy things.

When two happy things add up, it should be double happiness!


Yang Hao only felt his heart was broken.

His two big brothers look at his face like a dead heart expression, both in the heart can not bear, but in the end is a man.

"A man should bear it in silence." The second brother patted Yang Hao on the shoulder.

Yang Hao said without expression: "I will not be hurt again, because my heart is dead."

Lin Fei patted Yang Hao on the shoulder sympathetically.

It's terrible.

Have not started, has been lovelorn.

"Life is like this, there are too many surprises and accidents." Lin Fei comforted the boy and said, "for example, you only know that she is lively and lovely, gentle and moving, young and beautiful, and ice snow smart."

Young Lin Yi Fei wants to comfort himself?

But why does this sound so strange?

Lin Fei then said, "but you don't know. In fact, she's really cute and kind-hearted, and her cooking is very delicious."

"I was lucky to meet her."

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