Poop -

the boy only felt that he was stabbed in the heart.

Is this comfort?

It's the most lethal knife.

He is cute, kind and can cook...

Yang Hao only feels that he is about to cry. Why is he like this?

This should be a very happy day.

He looked up at the sky at a 45 degree angle, in order not to let the stubborn tears slide down, which was his last strong.

Looking at Yang Hao now, Lin Fei wants to laugh.

The other side just dug in front of his own face. Can you bear it?

The girl was too shy to raise her head.

Along the way, Yang Hao seems to have changed a person. He was very talkative, but now he is very quiet, which makes his two big brothers not used to it.

But on second thought, he should be able to recover quickly.

So their eyes fell on Lin Fei.

"You just said, you don't have powers?" Asked the elder brother.

"Yes." Lin Fei nodded.

"Then, you will follow us and follow our command. Otherwise, we don't care what happens."

After that, you should wait for the second portion

As a matter of fact, they all regret taking Linfei.

What is the use of a man without powers in this end of life?

"Maybe it will help a little later." They thought.

I have brought them all. It's a little troublesome to let him leave now. I'll call him simply. Maybe I can be an abandoned son at that time.

A group of six finally arrived in front of Yang Fengyuan in the suburb at noon.

The middle-aged uncle is embarrassed. Lin Fei feels that he is going to rush in the next moment. Is he so hungry?

"Be careful."

Here, the elder brother two elder brother facial expression is dignified, among them two elder brothers said: "you must not leave me more than two meters, or you will die."

Seeing how serious he said, Lin Fei took the girl two steps closer.

There was silence in the beehouse.

Lin Fei looked around. There were many hives, but none of the bees could see it.

Did the bees all run away?

The middle-aged uncle led the way in front of him. He walked very fast and walked towards the house in the distance.

"I don't feel like he's coming back for food." Lin Fei whispered to the girl.

The girl looked at Lin Fei.

Sure enough.

The middle-aged man came to the house and cried nervously, "Magnolia!"

Lin Fei immediately understood that the middle-aged uncle came back to find someone!

His hand trembled and opened the door, but it was empty, which made several people strange.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" Asked the boy.

"Nothing?" The uncle shook his head and said, "let's go to the cellar."

Under the guidance of the uncle, several people came to the cellar smoothly. It was impossible for bees to come to such places, which made the whole Party relax a lot.

But just opened the door, several people were stunned.

Because there is a leader in this cellar!

"My mother!"

Big brother exclaimed, let's go at once!

However, I ate it.

A shrill, piercing sound suddenly rang through their ears. They could not help but step back two steps.


The water arrow pierced the leader's head and killed him completely.

"Not good." Several people were nervous.

But the uncle was stunned.

Because he clearly saw that the leader's clothes were just her wife's!

"That's your wife." Lin Fei said.


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