The middle-aged uncle sat powerless on the ground.

"Why do you come back now?" Lin Fei can see that the purpose of the middle-aged uncle's coming back here is obviously for his wife.

But now I'm back. It's obviously late.

Nearly four months have passed since the disaster.

Lin Fei didn't know their situation, so he didn't plan to evaluate them casually. Now he just wanted to get honey.

"Don't talk about it. Just go. I don't know what will attract you." Cried the elder brother.

But before they could start, there was a frightening sound outside.

Buzz -

that's the sound of bee wings!

"Not good."

When I heard the voice, several faces were white.

"We are surrounded." The second elder brother said powerless: "this kind of situation, even if I went out by myself, I would certainly die."

They have a look at Lin Fei.

It's just an ordinary person. Now even if he is abandoned as an abandoned son, it's no use letting him go out to attract bees.

There's a buzz outside. Who knows how many bees are out there?

I'm afraid Lin Fei will die as soon as he appears.

"They should not have found us yet." The elder brother calmed down a little. He said, "if we can't be found, these bees will soon disperse. If we stay here for a few days, we may be saved."

"There's food in the cellar. It should last for a while."

He smiles because he thinks it's a way out.

But when he went to the cellar, the smile on his face completely solidified.

The cellar is empty, only a lot of empty glass bottles, where is food?

"You lied to us!"

He caught the uncle's collar and picked up the whole person. Obviously, he was really angry.


Just at this moment, outside suddenly came the sound of being hit at the door!

"Those bees are banging on the door."

Their faces were whiter, and by now they had no way out.

Lin Fei calmly took a glass bottle the size of a water bottle.

He thought that these glass bottles should be used to hold honey, and now they can be used by themselves.

The noise outside is getting louder and louder.

Yang Hao suddenly sighed a long sigh.

He looked at the girl and said affectionately, "maybe we will never have another chance, but it is my luck to die together."

Yang Hao strode toward the door, without looking back.

"Please look at it for the last time. This time I fight for you. Though I die without regret, you should believe that I love you more than he does!"

It's a disaster.

The boy is still confessing to Ye Yuxue!


The cellar door was smashed open.

Yang Hao stood in front of the door, his body flaming like a sun. He roared and rushed out!

It's full of bees outside, the size of a mouse, dark.

"The sun is burning!"

He closed his eyes and roared.


There was a big bang.

Yang Hao is ready to die, but when his powers are exhausted, he feels a trace of coolness around him?

Open your eyes and look, suddenly stunned.

Ice and snow!

At present, it turned into a world of ice and snow.

The bees that were just flying in the air were frozen into ice sculptures. When they fell on the ground, they broke into pieces one after another!

"I haven't answered you yet." The girl's voice suddenly rings out behind him, and Yang Hao is stunned.

Turning around, he was completely stunned.

The girl stood there, long hair fluttering in the cold wind, like a princess of ice and snow, extremely beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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