the second day.

The girl wakes up from her dream, and before she gets up, she feels something strange about her lower body.

My stomach hurts.

She knew what was going on at the slightest touch.

Relatives came to the door.

"It's today." The girl's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She moved down from the bed with her legs together and walked slowly towards the bathroom.

She didn't dare to step forward for fear that it would leak out when she opened her leg.

After entering the bathroom, having a look, the pants were dyed red, can not continue to wear.

Pain can be tolerated because of awakened powers, but there is another fatal problem.

"What if you don't have sanitary napkins?"

If you don't take something to cushion, no matter how many pants you change, she frowns and feels headache.

"I have to make breakfast..."

now she is a little helpless. If the problem is not solved, Lin Fei will have no breakfast.

"Forget it, his breakfast matters."

Finally, as soon as she gritted her teeth, she put on her pants and tried to make breakfast first.

When Lin Fei wakes up, he finds the girl working in the kitchen.

But her movements were a little strange.

The steps are very small and the movements are very gentle.

"It's not right."

Then he smelled the smell of blood beside him. Looking at the strange movements of the girl, he immediately understood.

"I'll make breakfast this morning."

He went over and said, "I haven't done it for a long time. I'd like to try it."

The girl did not understand and said, "it will be ready soon."

"Listen to me, go to the bathroom first. Today I'll make breakfast." He took all the shovels in the past.

"All right."

The girl also felt uncomfortable and just went into the bathroom to clean it. Although she had become a power, she didn't know whether she would be infected.

"It looks like I'm going to stay here these days." Lin Fei chuckles. The plan to go to D city can only be suspended first. It's important to find sanitary napkins for girls.

"It's sold in supermarkets."

He decided to go out to look for breakfast, the girl came to relatives, presumably did not sleep well last night, so want to let the girl have a good rest.

This morning, the girl's appetite was not very good.

Lin Fei flushed some honey water for her and said, "you wait at home for a while. I have something to go out."

"What are you going to do?" The girl is a little nervous. Has her own affairs been discovered?


Lin Fei said with a smile, "I'll tell you if I guess."

Then he flew away from the balcony.

First, he went to the supermarket where he was looking for people last time. After searching the whole supermarket, he didn't see sanitary napkins, so he left.

"Ask someone." Lin Fei thought so.

It's not difficult to find other survivors in the city.

Lin Fei went back to yesterday's Square and started a perspective. Sure enough, those people had not left.

There are also people here to heal.

He went down and asked someone.


Xie Feng is recuperating, the result is at this time, a figure suddenly flashed in from the window.

"Who is it?" Xie Feng was shocked.

"Sorry to disturb you." Lin Feixian was sorry. After all, it was his own problem to rush in.

"It's you!"

When he saw Lin Fei, Xie Feng's pupils trembled. What did he come here for?

"Do we know each other?"

Lin Fei didn't understand, but he still said his question: "is there a supermarket near here? I want to find some sanitary napkins. "

Xie Feng was stunned.

But it soon became clear that it was the girl around him.

"I know." He nodded.

After getting the news, Lin Fei first thanks him. Seeing that he is black and blue, he leaves some medicine, and then he leaves.

"I forget that I still have painkillers..." Lin Fei was helpless. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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