Xie Feng stood in the room, Lin Fei came and went in a hurry, but left a lot of Medicine on the table.

In the end of the world, medicine and food are in short supply. Often a cold medicine is worth fighting for.

Any kind of medicine is extremely valuable and extremely precious.

But looking at a table of medicine, Xie Feng began to doubt life.

"Why does he have so much medicine?"

It was like no money. Several boxes of medicine were put on the table, and Xie Feng was dumbfounded.

At this moment, there are only 100000 in his mind. Why, why is he so strong? Why is his clothes so clean?

Why doesn't he live at all like in the end of the world?

"He is really a God, looking for a toilet in the end of the world. I'm afraid he is the only one in the world who dares to do so."

But at this point.

Lin Fei is looking for the supermarket.

"Supermarket, supermarket..."

a minute later, he found a small supermarket in the direction Xie Feng pointed out. Lin Fei didn't think much about it and went in directly.

In the hotel opposite the supermarket, a group of people saw him walk in.

"Another one went in and died."

Someone chuckled.

"There are many zombies in it. He is alone. He is afraid that the corpse can be chewed clean in three minutes."

They thought that Lin Fei's entering the supermarket was death.

But the next moment.


Suddenly there was a loud noise in the supermarket.


There was another big bang in the supermarket.


The wall of the supermarket was suddenly broken open by something.

A bunch of people in the hotel are stupid. What's going on?

"What just broke the wall open? Is that the man just now? "

It's just that the speed is too fast. Everything is between the electric light and flint. They can't react at all. They just see the wall burst open.

Lin Fei is walking in the supermarket. A special attacker squatting in the corner suddenly jumps up and pours at Lin Fei's head.

But the attacker didn't know. Lin Fei saw it before he entered the door.

When it jumps up, Lin Fei turns his hand into a knife and cuts it with one blow.

"Send the sword to hell!"


The attacker was chopped in the head, the body instantly stiff, head down straight into the ground, and then motionless, dead.

"Invincible life is so simple and boring."

Lin Fei sighs and concentrates on looking for sanitary napkins.

Everything went well. He really found a few. He didn't know what kind of good it was. He took all of them.

"Tampons, even brown sugar!"

Lin Fei in the supermarket transfer around, found the unexpected joy, brown sugar to relatives of the girl is good, so take a can.

When Lin Fei was about to leave, he saw several drinks in the refrigerator beside the door.


Lin Fei took a bottle of all kinds of things. From then on, the drink was more than happy water in fat house.

"It's time to go back."

Then the people in the hotel, all stare big eyes, watching Lin Fei from the supermarket swagger out.

"Is he still alive? How could that be possible? "

"What happened in there just now?"

A group of people looked at each other.

"Go down and have a look."

After struggling for a long time, they finally made the decision and walked into the supermarket nervously.

And then I was stunned.

All the zombies who had been guarding the supermarket were lying on the ground.

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