Through perspective, we can see that there is a huge leech chasing the mutated fish.

The leech is three or four meters long, as big as a cow.

Once a fish is caught, it is sucked dry.

He jumped up and fell to the edge of the lake and called to the boiling water, "what are you doing?"

"Even if you don't sleep at night, why do you make it so loud? I still want to sleep if you don't sleep!"

The voice has just dropped!


A piranha jumped out of the lake and flew towards Lin, trying to drag him into the water.

"I'm going to sleep later. I don't want to get wet."

Lin Fei draws the piranha back into the water.


The body of the piranha slowly floated up from the water. Naturally, it was dead and could not die again.

At this moment, leeches in the water finally noticed Lin Fei standing on the bank, so he put his head out of the water and rushed towards Lin Fei.

It's bigger than a person. It can easily stick a person on and then suck it clean.

But Lin Fei just slapped him.


There was a dull noise.

The body of the leech is directly turned into powder by the strong wind, and then the wind blows away.

Lin Fei doesn't want to let the blood dye the lake red.

When the leech was shot to death, the lake was quiet again.

Lin Fei turned around and left.

But just after two steps, he suddenly woke up and stopped.

Because at this moment, he remembered a fatal problem.

"I just killed it. Is it a leech?"

"Leech king!"

He ran back to the lake to see what leeches were there?

He had already been beaten to fly ash by his slap!

"Please don't die." Lin Fei exclaimed. He slapped out and asked the other party not to die...

he started perspective and looked into the lake. In the end, he never saw a leech again.

"Twenty thousand points..."

twenty thousand points were lost by one slap of his own. Lin Fei was heartbroken and distressed, but he had to go back to sleep honestly.

Holding a soft and fragrant girl, Lin Fei is lost in thought. How can I tell her about it tomorrow?

Leech King attacked secretly last night. He didn't watch it. He killed him by mistake?

"I'm too hard." Lin Fei sighs.

After breakfast the next day, Lin Fei told the girl about last night.

"You killed me?" The girl was very surprised and said, "the leech king is hiding in the lake nearby?"

Mission intelligence says leech King's whereabouts are unpredictable.

As a result, I didn't expect that it happened to be near the place where the two people lived. It was such a coincidence that Lin Fei was killed because of his hunting at night.

"So many coincidences, how unlucky is the leech king?" The girl couldn't help laughing.

Then she said, "it's only 20000 points. Maybe there will be more points in the future?"

"For example, suddenly found several monsters gathered together..." the girl said.

With that, she opened the task and was stunned.

"There are indeed!"

She was shocked, just finished, saw a joint task of 100000 points.

"Twelve S-level monsters were found near the meeting. Please join hands with S-level powers to destroy them. Bonus points: 100000."

"100000 points?" When Lin Fei came to see it, the light in his eyes flashed and said, "this must be attended."

Hearing Lin Fei's words, the girl did not hesitate and took over the task. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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