When they arrived at the designated place according to the task information, they found that there was already a person waiting.

This is a middle-aged uncle with a long sword at his waist.

Although it's a sword, it only has a blade on one side. It looks like a thin sword. It's extremely powerful.

"Are you the new S-class?"

As the girl approached, the uncle spoke.

"Well." Ye Yuxue nodded gently. S-class has its own circle. When new people become S-level, they will know it at the first time.

"You're the first one I know to be promoted from A-level to S-level." The uncle said, "although you are very hard-working, but in front of me, I was S-level from the beginning, and you were only A-level before."

"When you're going to move on, you'll have to be at our command."

There was an imperative tone in his words.

The girl's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly. The uncle in front of her made her disgust, as if S-class was the master of the universe.


Just at this moment, a girl's voice of surprise suddenly rang out not far away.

"What a lovely little sister."

The girl and Lin Fei's eyes both looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a woman in fashionable clothes walking fast.

Lin Fei's eyes narrowed.

Because he saw that the woman was dressed in coquettish clothes and looked at each other's chest, Lin Fei immediately knew that she was a strong man.

"Not so much meat?" Lin Fei sighs in his heart, but it has nothing to do with himself.

It's too fierce.

The woman came, smiling directly into the girl's arms, gave her a big hug.

"Little sister, why are you so cute? Let me hold you!" The woman said with a smile.

"Wuwuwu --"

the girl is struggling in her arms.

What makes you unable to breathe?

Finally struggling out, at first sight, the girl was scared, her face was white, and then subconsciously looked down at her.

"Oh, I just saw my lovely little sister. I'm so excited. I apologize." The woman said with a smile.

"No, it's OK."

The girl replied, but she was pale, because her heart was dead.

No matter how big the killer is, she can't be hurt!

"What's your name, little sister?" The woman said with a smile: "I guess, ye Yuxue, right?"


Ye Yuxue nodded and tried not to see the woman in front of her.

"Sister, it's called Qingfeng." The woman said with a smile: "sister Yu Xue, you can call me sister Qingfeng."

"Auntie Qingfeng."

The girl whispered.

Lin Fei clearly saw that the woman's face, originally squinting smile suddenly a stiff, as if to feel the killing.

This woman is not so beautiful.

She is noble in temperament and charming in life. It is difficult for ordinary men to remove their eyes when they see her.

But who is Lin Fei?

Holding my sister in my arms!

A girl who has been sleeping for such a long time has already had resistance. She is just dressed up.

"Sister Yu Xue." Qingfeng reached out and hugged Ye Yuxue into his arms. He was broad-minded and said with a smile: "yes, it's called Qingfeng sister."

"It's my sister."

"woo woo --"

the girl struggled in a hurry.

"All right." At this time, the uncle next to him said, "don't forget, we still have business."

The breeze let go of the girl.

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