As a result, it seems that it is too difficult to survive in this last world.

"Nothing to change." The girl shook her head gently.

"Then let's go."

Lin Fei stuffed rockets, shells and power fruits into his schoolbag and left the guild with the girl.

"I can't help trying it out." Lin Fei is a little excited, new weapons, mecha and cannon, man's romance!

Seeing that Lin Fei was in a good mood, the girl also felt that she was in a good mood.

They soon came into the city.

Lin Fei resisted the rocket on his shoulder, started perspective, and searched for zombies everywhere. If there were only one or two of them, it would be a disappointment.

So he called out, "corpse tide, come out and be beaten!"

"I ask you to try my new weapon!"

Lin Fei is the only one who dares to walk and shout in the streets of the end of the world.

No one else would like to see no corpse tide for a lifetime.

It's just him.

Take the initiative to find the corpse tide!

Su --

a tongue suddenly shot down from the roof next to Lin Fei, and the lightning and flint will entangle Lin Fei's neck.

But Linfei is just a trigger.

The muzzle automatically locks the target hidden in the roof, and then an arm size rocket goes out.


A mushroom cloud rose slowly.

The long tongue who wanted to attack Lin Fei secretly turned into fly ash on the spot.

As if nothing had happened just now, Lin Fei and the girl were still walking forward.

They walked for a long time.

Until sunset, late in the evening.

I don't know how far it is.

Boom -

just as Lin Fei was preparing to go back with the girl, he suddenly felt a slight vibration on the ground.

"There's a wave of corpses!" Lin Fei's eyes lit up.

Holding the girl in one hand, he jumped up and fell on the floor next to him. Looking at him not far away, he saw a vast tide of corpses.

"There are at least ten thousand zombies here." Girl willow eyebrow tiny wrinkle: "there are many S-level monsters."

However, Lin Fei just laughed. He said, "it's a good time."

And this time.

During the rally.

In the conference room, there was an emergency meeting with two other S-level powers.

"What do you want me to do?" It was a young man with yellow hair.

He was handsome and amazing, but his feet were on the table, and his face didn't care.

"There was intelligence just now that a wave of corpses was found 30 kilometers away from the rally."

"According to sources, the number of zombies has exceeded 10000, including 21 S-level monsters, including three currently unknown monsters."

"Now the tide of corpses is 30 kilometers away from the rally. Zombies don't rest at night, so it doesn't take a day for them to arrive."

"We must wipe out the tide of corpses before it arrives!" A middle-aged man with brown hair said solemnly.

"What about the plan?"

Nearby, a man with long hair spoke.

Compared with the Yellow haired young man, the long haired man was more calm. He sat upright and was obviously listening carefully, but his voice was very cold.

"The corpse tide will pass through the high-rise area. We have sent people to install bombs. When the corpse tide passes by, it will explode, which can greatly weaken the corpse tide."

"But those s-levels are going to be handed over to you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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