The middle-aged man added, "but you can rest assured that we will have fire support."

The Yellow haired man laughed.

"What's the use of some laser guns and guns?"

"At that time, it's better to let your people stay away, don't affect my performance."

Then he stood up.

"I'll take a step first and see who solved the S-level more later."

He walked out of the window and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


The man with long hair also slowly got up from the chair, turned around and left.

The middle-aged man looked at the two left S-class, some ugly face, can only look at the remaining 30 A-level.

He said seriously, "you go and evacuate the crowd now."

"In this corpse tide, the number of enemies exceeds 10000, which is a medium-sized corpse tide. We must make all preparations."

The A's nodded and then the meeting broke up.

When the news got out, the atmosphere became heavy.

"The tide of corpses is coming!"

All the shops were closed, and the busy street was empty at once.

On the wall, the soldiers stood by and were ready for battle.

There is a strong sense of sadness that the wind is blowing and the water is cold, and the strong men are gone forever.

But what they don't know now is...


A wave of corpses was attacked.

As they passed through the street, a shell suddenly fell from the sky and hit them in the middle.

A loud noise, we saw dozens of zombies flying out in the air.

Before these zombies come back to life.

Then four or five shells fell from the sky, all in different places.

a series of explosions on the corpse's head were seen.

Not even an S-class bull.

Because it wanted to catch that shell.

Barbarians are known as tanks in zombies. Not to mention laser guns, even heavy weapons such as rockets and tanks can hardly hurt them at all.

But right now.

It just touched the shell, the shell exploded, and then the flame instantly devoured it.

It's as fragile as paper like the ordinary zombies around.

It was blown to pieces in the blink of an eye.

Such a huge tide of corpses, because of this sudden fall from the sky a few shells to blow up, dare not go further.

At this time, the two figures fell from the sky and stood more than 30 meters in front of the corpse tide.

"I open the road, I plant the tree. If you want to pass by, you can buy money." Lin Fei said with a smile.

Standing in front of the zombie, see Lin Fei and the girl, is to see the human, suddenly rushed over hundreds.

"That seems to be the answer you chose."

Lin Fei lifted the gun barrel.

Boom and boom -

seventeen rockets were fired at once!

Originally, only one shell can be filled at a time. Now, in less than a second, 17 rounds have been fired in a row!

And I don't have any strength!

Lin Fei just needs to aim and finish.

The girl following Lin Fei hasn't recovered from the shock.

In the continuous deafening noise.

The hundreds of zombies that rushed in, all flying in the fire, rising in the air, and then falling to the ground, none of them was in good condition.

There are hundreds of zombies. In a blink of an eye, there is no one left.

"Hoo ~"

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