Two people clean up the house together, soon clean up, and plug in the battery, the house lights up.

"The water heater and air conditioner are working properly." Said the girl, examining the condition of the room.

"Well, then have a good rest tonight." Lin Fei said.

Today's dinner was just as good.

The girl's cooking skills are getting better and better. Lin Fei feels that she can't do without a girl.

"It's your favorite fried rice with eggs, as well as three fresh vegetables and braised pork ribs in brown sauce..."

in fact, every night, girls still eat the most.

Because she is a psionic, the consumption of powers requires power fruits or large amounts of food to recover quickly.

Although every time after a meal, the girl will eat a power fruit, but no one can refuse food.

Especially Ye Yuxue.

She does not eat fat, so now open to eat, is a real food.


When they were resting after dinner, they suddenly heard a cry outside.

Lin Fei immediately saw the situation outside through perspective.

In the field outside the village, a young man is running in confusion, and behind him, there are three zombies are fast chasing.


The man did not pay attention to the foot, tripped by the stone, fell on the ground in a mess.


When he saw the three zombies coming, he cried out in horror.

But this is the moment.

Bang bang bang!

After three shots, the heads of the three zombies burst open, and they fell to the ground powerlessly, scaring the man and almost urinating his pants.

"You are saved." Lin Fei put the gun on his shoulder and said not far away.

"I am saved?"

Man a Leng, finally happy laugh up: "Laozi is not dead!"

He quickly got up from the ground and ran to Lin Fei. He was grateful to Lin Fei: "thank you for your help."

"No Lin Fei waved his hand, turned around and left.

At this time, a zombie jumped out from behind the wall at the entrance of the village, startling the man.



Lin Fei shot the zombie and let it fly out.

He did not go to see the zombie, thinking that it should be the zombie who just came here, because he had cleaned the village before.

The young man's eyes lit up at the sight.

He immediately ran over and said to Lin Fei with a smile, "thank you for your help, or I'll just die."

What's my name

"Do you live here?"

Lin Fei did not intend to answer all the questions in succession. He said, "my name is Lin Fei."

"Lin Fei, good name." Ye Chao said with a smile.

"There is no one in this village. You can find a place to live." Lin Fei didn't want to say anything to each other, but went back to the house.

Ye Chao stands in the same place and looks at Lin Fei's bright room. He doesn't know what he is thinking about.

When Lin Fei was ready to take a bath, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll go and have a look." Said the girl.

Open the door and have a look, it is the young man who has just been rescued.

"What's the matter?" Asked the girl.

When ye Chao saw the girl, he was stunned, because he thought that Lin Fei lived alone.

Never thought that such a lovely girl would come to open the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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