His eyes flashed greedily, and then he regained his consciousness. He said with an embarrassed smile, "my house is a little dark, so I want to come..."

in fact, he wanted to come here, especially after seeing such a beautiful and lovely girl.

"You wait." As a result, the girl interrupted what he wanted to say, turned back and took a candle out, handed it to Ye Chao, and said, "this is a candle. Take it back and use it."

Ye Chao was stunned.

He took the candle and said with some embarrassment: "in fact, i...

the girl's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and finally had a trace of disgust.

"You wait."

She turned away again and came out a moment later with a loaf and a bottle of water in her hand.

"Take it." Said the girl.

Ye Chao was stunned again. For a long time, he finally couldn't speak.


The girl closed the door in front of him. She went back to the room and said to Lin Fei, "that man is so greedy."

"He wanted to live in."

In fact, the girl knew Ye Chao's idea from the beginning, so she let him leave with candles and some food.

At this time, ye Chao returned to his room.

He lives next door to Lin Fei, because he is afraid that there will be a zombie attack, so he chose this place for the sake of safety.

"Damn it."

Back in the room, he sat on the bed without lighting any candles or eating.

It's sitting with a gloomy face.

"He has a gun, food, and such a beautiful girl..."

the more he thinks about it, the more jealous he becomes.

"We have to find a way to take all these things." "The gun, the food, and the women are all mine," he thought

When he was rescued, he did not really appreciate Lin Fei.

From the beginning, he took a fancy to the gun in Lin Fei's hand!

"If I had weapons, I could survive in this last world, with food and beautiful women."

In the dead of night, Lin Fei and the girl both went to sleep.

As usual, the girl was sleeping in Lin Fei's arms, with a faint smile on her pretty face.

But at this moment, the door of the house was opened slowly!

A figure flashed in through the crack of the door.

It is Ye Chao.

He did not sleep, because he always remembered Lin Fei's gun, food, and the girl's charming face.

Ye Chao eavesdropped on the corner for a long time, barely heard the sound of their sleeping breath, and finally began to act.

He crept into the living room, looking for the gun.

"It must be in the room."

Ye Chao and carefully into the two people's room, when he saw two people lying in the same bed, his fist suddenly squeezed up.

But at this time.

The girl slowly opened her eyes.

From the moment the door was opened, the girl had already woken up. As a power, she had high perception.

Even if she was asleep, a little wind and grass could be detected by her.

She wanted to get up, but found a pair of hands tightly hugged her, it was Linfei!

The girl moved, looked up and found that Lin Fei was awake.

With Lin Fei to look at one eye, she vaguely guessed what, so once again closed her eyes.

Both of them are covered with quilts, so ye Chao can't see anything.

But to see Lin Fei and the girl sleeping together, the heart is very uncomfortable.


He did not forget the purpose of coming here, and at last he saw the gun on the cupboard at the head of his bed.

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