In the abandoned factory, the uncle was covered with blood. He sat down against the wall, took out a box of cigarettes from his arms, opened it, but there was only one left in it.

He took out his last cigarette and lit it trembling.

In his mouth, the fire lit up his pale but still resolute face.

"Don't worry."

He looked at the bull coming from the door and said, "I'll come to play with you right away."

The gun fell on his hand, but there were no bullets in it, and he had no strength to pick it up.

Once he seemed to be omnipotent, but now he is still tired.

He took out another picture from his arms. It was a picture of him and his daughter, but after the change, her daughter disappeared.

Uncle leaned against the wall, the fire in his mouth was particularly dazzling in the darkness.

Looking at the smile of his daughter in the photo, he slowly closed his tired eyes.

In his mind, it was the bloody figure of three partners.

"You're safe." He murmured.

When he learned that he was suffering from cancer, he refused to give up. He didn't want to die like this. So he began treatment. Even when he was injected with anesthetic, he had to rise up and kill the zombie.

But at this moment, he was finally able to face his own death.

No tears, no regrets.

Because in the last time, he completed his commitment to his partner and completed his final mission.

"Even if you die a hundred times, you should be safe."

At the time of his life and death, he started the suspension bridge to save the three people and gave the hope of surviving to his companions, but also made the predestined departure come in advance.

At the last moment, he smoked a cigarette and faced death calmly.

Roaring -

as the sound of footsteps approached, uncle closed his eyes, but he seemed to be able to see that the bull was standing in front of him.

But he waited for a long time and didn't feel the bull's hand.

He slowly opened his eyes, but suddenly stunned.

Because a familiar figure stood in front of him and blocked the fist of the bull for him.

It's Linfei!


Uncle was stunned and couldn't believe it. Looking at the scene in front of him, could someone block the fist of the bull?

"Are you all right?"

Lin Fei looked sideways and asked, "can you stand up?"

Uncle lenglengleng's answer: "still can stand up."

Lin Fei laughed and said, "I'm so sorry, you can't be a hero today."

Say it.

One punch!


The tall bull exploded on the spot. Uncle sat in the back and looked at Lin Fei's back. For a moment, he seemed to see God!

"Let's go." Lin Fei said.

He helped the uncle up and said, "your partners are still waiting for you."

Uncle was shocked and speechless.

Just one punch, smash a bull?

What power is this?

When he regained consciousness, Lin Fei had helped him to the car.

The three still in a daze, when they saw the uncle, finally came back to their senses. They immediately opened the door and ran out.

"Where are the zombies?"

Uncle looked around.

There is no more zombie standing here.

Including the four bulls.

There are only broken bodies on the ground!

"He killed him." The fat man looked at Lin Fei and swallowed his mouth fiercely. The fear in his eyes could not be concealed.

"There's no need to be so afraid of me." Lin Fei chuckled and said, "I said it. My name is Lin Fei."

"You are the legendary Linfei

This time.

Fat man really believed it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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