Before he asked Lin Fei's name, he didn't believe it when he got the answer, even laughing at him.

You can't be him at all.

He is a God.

But now, the fat man opened his eyes to the man in front of him. He did not dare to doubt it any more.

Because it was clear that countless zombies were blown away by one blow.

As powerful as s's bull, or four heads, were all smashed by the strong wind from that blow!

What a terrible force this is?

Even if it's the ability of S, it's impossible to do such a thing.

All kinds of signs show that the young and handsome man in front of him is really the Lin Fei who saved city C from the large-scale corpse tide!

The fat man's body trembled with excitement.

The legend of Lin Fei, that is the supreme god!

"Did you say you didn't have powers because you were a God?" The fat man asked nervously.

Lin Fei shook his head and said, "I don't have powers or gods. I'm just an ordinary human."

"No way."

Not only the fat man refuted, but four people refuted Lin Fei.

It's ok if they didn't see it. But just now, they all saw it clearly. With one blow, countless zombies were destroyed. Is this power that ordinary people can have?

Lin Fei shrugs, they don't believe it.

He looked at the uncle and saw that he was bloodstained and pale. Obviously, the situation was not very good.

"Would you like some medicine?" Lin Fei said, taking all kinds of medicine from his backpack and saying, "take some painkillers, take some anti-inflammatory drugs, take some hemostatics..."

Looking at several boxes of medicine, several people were stunned again.

"Why do you have so many medicines?"

In the end of life, food is precious, but more precious than food is medicine.

Even if it was a plain cold medicine, or a bag of Banlangen Granules, these are precious things in the end of the world.

If it's food, at least they have it.

But what about drugs?

Not at all, not even seen!

"You are indeed a God."

The fat man was shocked and knelt down and said, "you are not a God. How can you have so many medicines?"

He can take out a lot of precious food, which is a little acceptable.

But now?

Drugs, life-saving things, he can still take out a lot of them.

"Even if it's some invincible S-class, it's impossible to get so many drugs!" Cried the fat man.

Lin Fei was surprised and said, "it's impossible. I think those who are strong must live a better life than me."

The fat man shook his head and tearfully said, "God, please don't show me any more. You have exceeded the limit of human beings. Even the strongest person in the world can't reach your level."

Lin Fei naturally did not believe it.

There must be people who are better than themselves, after all, they still have so many don't understand the world.

I don't have a small Titan generator yet!

"Thank you."

Uncle looked at the medicine in his hand and wanted to ring Linfei to kneel.

But Lin Fei held him up and said, "you're welcome. You're very brave."

"But these drugs can only delay a little time. Now we'd better hurry to the meeting."


The fat man immediately sat in the driver's seat and said, "get in the car. We're going to the meeting now. We'll be able to arrive before the evening."

Lin Fei laughed and said, "that's too slow. I'll give you a ride." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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