The black lipstick is very tempting. It gives people an urge to go forward and bite.

From entering, the girl secretly watched Lin Fei's reaction from time to time.

But all the way over, she found that Lin Fei didn't seem to have any interest in the black widow, and she didn't take a look at it from the beginning to the end.

The girl just breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Ha ha."

At this moment, the black widow laughed. The laughter was as beautiful as a bell: "you are so interesting."

She saw the reaction of the two people just now, especially the girl's reaction. She wanted to laugh.

"Come on, have tea." The black widow poured tea for them.

Girls naturally don't want to drink.

Lin Fei took up the tea cup and said with a smile, "you don't put medicine in the tea, do you?"

"That's interesting." The black widow said with a smile: "even if I took the medicine, could you still be knocked down?"

"I didn't say I was an S-class." "I'm just an E-class," Lin said

The black widow looked surprised and said, "you two."

"Boyfriend and girlfriend!"

The girl hugged Lin Fei's arm, demonstrating the same.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

The black widow said three times: "I didn't expect that the S-class would look up to the E-class."

She looked at Lin Fei and said, "I'm a little curious. How did you cheat her?"

"A meal was tricked back." Lin Fei said.

"A meal?"

The black widow laughed, looked at the girl and said, "sister, give you two meals. Would you like to live with your sister?"

The girl immediately turned a black widow's eye.

"Don't be kidding. We're here today. We're looking for you for business."

"Ah." The black widow interrupted the girl and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's very peaceful in the assembly now. Let's talk about the things between you first."

The black widow looked at Lin Fei and said, "you are E-class and your girlfriend is S-class. Why do you dare to be her boyfriend?"

"I wanted him to be my boyfriend." "He is very strong," said the girl

"Ha ha ha -" the black widow said with a smile: "just an E-class, where can I be powerful? I just look in the eyes, and I can make him fascinated."

Then he took a look at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's body suddenly trembled.

It's not infatuated, but I feel the look in the other party's eyes just now. It's disgusting. Why should a woman look at other people with such affectionate eyes.

It's like saying to other men: my husband is not at home tonight.

As for the so-called obsession, he did not feel at all.

"Come here."

But when the black widow saw Lin Fei trembling, she thought she was fascinated. She said with a smile, "sit next to me."

"You are sick." Lin Fei met her directly.

The black widow was stunned.

Finally, he looked at Lin Fei in surprise and said, "you are not fascinated by me."

"You are beautiful, I admit, but you are too much of a narcissist." Lin Fei said: "without you, the night will be the day, snow is still spring."

The black widow was speechless.

She stares at Lin Fei tightly, and once again displays her charm, trying to control Lin Fei.

But also, Lin Fei didn't feel at all, and didn't even know that the other side had made a move.

No way.

He's too strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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