The strength is too much, several universes are missing.

Lin Fei also looked at the black widow for a long time. Finally, she stood up, took the girl's hand and said, "let's go. Maybe she doesn't know any news."


As soon as she heard that she wanted to leave, the girl immediately nodded and agreed.

And this is the moment.

A figure, into the villa where the meteor swordsman is.


The next moment.

The meteor swordsman's home was blown open, and the two figures flew to the sky at a very fast speed, and kept fighting in the air.

It's the monsters in the lake that fight the meteor swordsman.

After eating the same kind of arm, its strength soared, now to eliminate the S-class strong!

"Ghosts and monsters dare to come to me on their own initiative, and now I will send you on the road!" The meteor swordsman said loudly, and the sword light in his hand was constantly shining.


But the monster's body is too strong.

The monster just used his hands to resist it. The meteor swordsman's fierce sword skills were all bounced away.

There was no scar on his body.

"It's no use." The monster said, "man, you are too weak."

When he heard the monster speak, the meteor swordsman was stunned.

Because he destroyed all kinds of S-level monsters, he had never seen a talking monster, so when the monster spoke, he was distracted.

But it was this moment of distraction that ended the fight!


The monster punched the meteor swordsman's stomach, only heard a loud noise. The meteor swordsman spewed out a large mouthful of blood on the spot, and his eyes were wide eyed.

The sword in his hand fell down because he couldn't catch it.

From the bottom up, another punch hits the meteor swordsman on the chin.


The meteor swordsman immediately spurts a mouthful of blood into the sky, his eyes are red, and he can't help falling back.

"Die for me

The monster roared, raised his right foot and kicked the meteor swordsman's chest.


Just hear a clear crack bone sound, see the meteor swordsman like a broken kite fly out, and then fall from the sky a hundred meters above.


The meteor swordsman fell heavily on the ground, the blood flowed across, and soon the ground behind him was dyed red.

He widened his eyes and looked at the sky without light. The whole person had passed out.

I can't close my eyes when I'm dizzy!

His sword is not far from hand.

The monster fell from the sky and stood next to the meteor swordsman. Standing on the ground, he sneered: "S-level?"

"But so it is."

"Not even interested in killing you."

After leaving this sentence, he turned around and left. It was not until more than ten minutes later that the meteor swordsman who passed out fainted was found.

And this time.

The monster has found the flash.

The young man was still in the suburbs, practicing when the monster found him.

But when he didn't pay attention, the monster suddenly shot and attacked him.

The monster's speed is too fast, as if a flash of lightning, in the blink of an eye is approaching the flash.

And when the flash is detected, it's too late.


Flash tried his best to dodge, but still was hit in the shoulder, he was like a car hit, the whole person flew out more than ten meters before he fell heavily on the ground.

He rolled on the ground and immediately jumped up.

"How dare you attack Laozi

Flash angry, a strong step on the ground, the speed reached the fastest, as if the laser towards the monster! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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