But it doesn't work.

The powerful S-class strong men such as meteor swordsman and flash were all defeated in this monster's hands.

These a and B, even if the number is more, they are just going up to deliver food.

"A group of ants dare to challenge me?" When the monster talks, it slaps an A-level ability out.

The ability of this power is to strengthen its body.

However, he was still bruised by the monster's slap, half of his face was sunken, and his blood flowed across his face. He almost died on the spot.

Seeing the end of this A-level ability, the rest of the people who are ready to do it are stunned.

"What kind of monster is this?"

They widened their eyes, their eyes were full of fear, and they couldn't help retreating.

Bang, bang, bang -

the monster approached them, making wind step by step. With each step, the dust on the ground would be blown up.

At this moment, the monster seems to be the God of war, God block kill God, Buddha block kill Buddha!


These powers were filled with fear and couldn't control their mouths. After calling out the word, they turned and ran and used all their strength!



A figure, suddenly in a few people through.

Then, not far away, people saw the monster, do not know when has stood in front.

Behind it lay a few people in a row.

They're just a few of them.

Even one of them was planted in the soil!

"What speed is this?"

People are dumbfounded, staring at the scene in front of them, everything just happened between the electric light and flint, which happened too fast.


The monster clapped his hands with disdain in his eyes.

"Is this the level of the strong among you The monster scoffed and approached the crowd: "is there anything better to fight?"

"I didn't even warm up, so I fell down, none of them could fight."

"Don't be wild, meteor swordsman and flash will solve you!" Someone said, trembling.

"Meteor swordsman? Flash? "

The monster disdains a smile, said: "I have met them, vulnerable."

"Is that the strongest of you human beings?"

"You human beings, it's really sad."

"No way!"

Hearing the monster's taunt, someone immediately ventured to retort: "we still have powerful black widows!"

"Well?" Monster came to interest: "is there an S-level?"

"No matter how many people come here, I'd like to see if you are the strongest human beings and can be half as good as me."

The monster's voice has just dropped.


A blood light suddenly burst down from nine days.

The monster frowns, immediately back away, disappeared from the original place, appeared 100 meters away.


The blood light hit the ground, suddenly exploded, the fire was blazing.

Dim sky, dazzling fire, vaguely visible there is a moving image.

"I hear you want to see me?"

The voice of the black widow sounded from the fire, she pulled out a head higher than her overlord gun, stepped on the flame, block in front of all people.

"The black widow!"

When people saw this man, they couldn't control it and cheered directly.

"We are saved!"

When they saw the black widow, everyone cheered, and the fear and despair in their eyes turned into expectations in an instant.

They seem to see the picture of the monster pierced by a long gun!

They are passionate.

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