Listening to the cheers behind her, the black widow was smiling.

She plucked her hair with her right hand, pointed her spear at the monster and said, "how do you want to die?"

"Ha ha --"

the monster laughed coldly: "a little bit interesting."

"But if you want to kill me, you can't!"

As this sentence falls, the monster's figure disappears!

But in the blink of an eye, the monster appeared directly behind the black widow from 100 meters away!

The speed is like lightning!

"How fast

The smile on the black widow's face froze in an instant and turned into shock. She turned around in a hurry and blocked her long gun in front of her chest.


The monster punched the black widow's long gun with a blow.

The black widow felt that she had been hit by a car. The whole person couldn't help but step back and go out. Her feet crossed the ground, leaving two traces!

She gritted her teeth and put the spear in the ground.

After more than ten meters, she finally stopped.

"What a force!"

She bent down, still holding back, because she could not straighten up!

Although 80% of her strength was blocked by the spear, the rest still made her hands numb. At the same time, her hands were torn open and blood flowed.

She looked at the spear and was stunned.

Because she was terrified to find that the spear, which had just received the monster's punch, had sunk in!

It's just a punch. It's just a blow. It's just a blow!

The black widow raised her head, looked at the monster coming in panic and swallowed her saliva.

What kind of monster is this?

Why is it so powerful?

This speed, this power, even if it is an S-level monster, it is not so terrible!

Just a punch, the black widow's heart was shaking, a fear from the soul filled up, she wanted to run away.



A tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

It's the monster!

"Distracted in battle, you'll die."

The monster was condescending, indifferent, and then, before waiting for the black widow to react, it kicked the black widow's stomach.


The black widow didn't even have time to resist. She flew out like a shell, smashed a wall and was buried in the ruins!

Her weapon is also spun out of her hand and caught by the monster.

"Can such scrap iron be used as a weapon?"

The monster looked disdainful, and then in front of hundreds of people, he bent the gun.

This spear is made of special material, which can be regarded as indestructible.

But now, it is easily broken by this monster!


As soon as the monster threw it away, the spear fell to the ground and bounced twice. It was a real scrap of iron.

"How could that be possible?"

These hundreds of people are stupid.

When they saw the black widow appear, they felt that they saw hope and saw the scene that the monster was killed.

But how long?

But in the blink of an eye, the black widow was kicked into the ruins, and even the black widow's weapon was bent by the monster's bare hands.

Fragile as if a stick!

"The black widow won't lose!"

A lot of people can't believe this result, you know, black widow is the existence of s level, the strongest level in human at present.

In many people's eyes, s level means invincible.

But now, as strong as s level, is also kicked by this monster! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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